Chapter 10.5: Just Mysterious

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Next Day, Monday, lunch time

"Ryuu shut up! have I told you you're annoying?" Angela says annoyed obviously.

"Yes you have, have I told you that you can be over dramtic sometimes?" Ryuu respondes.

"No, i'm never over dramtic!" Ryuu raises an eyebrow "Okay rarely I am." Ryuu continues to give her the look. "Okay sometimes but that's as far as I'm going."

"Glad that's settled."

"But you're still wrong about your earlier statement." Angela mumbles.

"How I'm a wrong? Nature can be really beutiful."

"Well yeah, but most the time it's not." She raises a finger up, "like for instant did you know billy goats will pee on themselves to smell more attractive to there female kind."

"... No I didn't." He says not knowing how to respond, "but, um, thanks for the information? Why and how do you know that?"

"Heh heh, it's a girls secret." Angela says teasing ish

"She heard it on an anime last night." Sokato quickly adds to the side.

"Sokato, you weren't suppose to tell him." She says upset.

"Oops but you did call me around one in the moring to tell me. By the sounds of it you found it really interesting."

"Sokato, Now how's he suppose to think I'm smart?!"

"Don't worry, no one thought it in the first place." Ryuu adds with a joking smile.

"And what's that suppose to mean?!" Angela says punching him in the arm repeatedly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He says laughing through it, "I saw the shot and had to."

   Sokato giggles watching this charade go down. She found it pretty amusing, and she's happy there's finally someone other than her getting teased in the group. But before Angela could try to insult him back the lunch bell rings.

"Geuss I'm saved by the bell." Ryuu says standing up and walking to the door. "Talk to you guys later." He says smiling and waving as he leaves.

"I don't like him." Angela says as soon as he left.

"Oh you know he's just joking. He's not that bad. He makes things more interesting at least." Sokato says with optimism

   Yeah Angela can't deny that fact, but he just seems to get more mysterious everytime they hang out with him. She can't get the moment of last night out. When he pinned her to the wall and seemed mad for some reason she never seen him mad before. Also not to mention he knocked two grown man out cold too but that's second to the important part.

*     *     *

   Like usual Angela didn't pay attention to class but not because she didn't want to (even though that's part of it) but she couldn't get Ryuu's expression from last night out of her head. Did he have a past experience losing a friend? Or does he really care about Sokato that much?

"Sorry again, I can't walk home with you." Sokato apologizes has Angela slings her bag over her shoulders.

   That's right, she almost forgot that Sokato had volunteered to help the band people move there stuff to the auditorium. Well volunteer is the nice way of saying, no one this morning wanted to help so the class had to take a vote. And they all took advantage of Sokato's niceness. Angela would stay and help her but thanks to her mom grounding her she has to be home as soon as possible and she wants to do anything but go home right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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