New Year's News

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Her unmarried friends stared at her in open astonishment. “Congratulations, Katherine,” Jane said, finding her voice first. “You're going to be a wonderful mother! I should have known this would be coming!” She sent a glare at Michaela. “And you thought it would be something terrible, like she wasn't happy in her marriage!”

Startled, Katherine blinked. “You what? Why would you think that?”

“You thought the same thing!” Michaela fired back at her cousin defensively. “You were every bit as worried about her as I was!”

“Girls!” Mrs. D'Arcy admonished. “Are we really going to simply stand here and leave Katherine on her feet?”

As one, Michaela and Jane rushed forward. In a matter of seconds, they divested Katherine of her coat, gloves, and hat. As Michaela carried the items off to put away, Jane herded Katherine to a seat in front of the fireplace. Mrs. D'Arcy laughed at the proceedings with a shake of her head. She took a seat opposite of their visitor.

“Pip and Erik must be absolutely thrilled to pieces!” Jane declared as she settled into a seat next to her friend. “Have you thought of names yet?”

“Jane, dear, its not proper to call a man you are not married to by his Christian name,” Mrs. D'Arcy chided.

“I'm sorry aunt,” Jane said quickly. “'Mr. Ombra' just seems to be extremely formal for a friend.” She shook her head with a soft laugh. “'Ombra'. Do you realize what that means? Its Italian for shadow or ghost. We'd be calling him “Mister Ghost. Which I'm sure Michaela could hardly do without laughing.”

“Katherine, you're looking very pale. What's wrong?” Mrs. D'Arcy asked in concern.

Looking over at her friend, Katherine tried to frown in disapproval. “I'm just not sure what they have told you about my husband, Aunt.”

“We told her the important details. She did, after all, see a masked man in her home,” Micheala pointed out quickly, as she rejoined them. She leaned against the back of Jane's chair. Her eyes were flashing a warning at Katherine. “We told her how Erik was born with a deformity of the face, which is why he wore the mask.”

Katherine breathed a sigh of relief. “Of course,” she said. “I'm sorry for being concerned. My husband wishes, above all else, to be left in peace. He has not been treated well, due to his face, and dislikes it being well known. It seems that the more people who are aware the less chance there is of him ever finding the happiness he deserves.”

“My dear, it is sad that such is the case, but I'm afraid you are right,” Mrs. D'Arcy told her. “You must lead a very quiet life being married to a recluse.” She smiled and waved her hand dismissively. “Now, enough of that. Have you considered what you will name your firstborn?”

Biting her lip, Katherine shook her head. “What about 'Erica' if it is a girl?” Jane suggested. “And if it is a boy, perhaps you could name him after Erik, or maybe Henri, for your father. I can't believe Erik doesn't have something planned already! He is the genius and master of plans,isn't he?”

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