Society Meetings

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The atmosphere in Rose Lodge changed, and everyone felt it. The servants who were already tense, on alert to keep the master and mistress safe, became even more on edge. Every interaction was rife with disagreements and sharp words. Even Abraham was heard snapping, when normally he was the most even tempered of men.

Erik chose to lock himself in the music room, allowing no one entrance. Katherine attempted only once, and then retreated to the library. On learning of this, Pip and Crutchie had exchanged uneasy looks, and then spent the rest of the day in the hallway between the two rooms. No amount of chastising and scolding from Anne could budge them.

When evening feel, the tension in the household grew even more. Katherine left the library, looking determined. “Pip, Crutchie, please go to your rooms and put on your best evening suits,” she instructed, smiling down at the boys who were in the middle of a chess game. “I want you both in the hallway in twenty minutes.”

“Aw,” Pip groaned, scrambling to his feet. He held his hand down to help Crutchie. “Do we have to? Are we going somewhere?”

“Yes, we 're going to the opera,” Katherine responded with a smile. Pip's eyes widened, while Crutchie looked confused. “Now both of you scoot. Don't make me send Anne after you.”

Grumbling good naturedly, Pip obeyed. It was only when they were both shrugging on the tight black evening jackets, that Crutchie finally asked, “Why are we going to the opera?”

“Because Erik's old pupil is going to be singing,” Pip explained, tying a cravat haphazardly. Shaking his head, Crutchie fixed the white fabric. “She was the best, with the voice of an angel. She gave up singing to marry some noble guy. Katherine told me that Christine Daae used to be the inspiration for Erik's music.”

Crutchie made a face. “I don't understand this music stuff you're always going on about,” he admitted. “Music is just music.”

Annoyed, Pip sighed heavily. “When you've been here longer, you'll understand,” he answered. “Come on, we're going to be late.”

Down in the hallway, Abraham was handing over hats and cloaks to Erik and Henri. Hearing the boys coming down the stairs, Erik turned and raised an eyebrow. “What do you think you two are doing?” he asked.

“Katherine told us to get ready for the opera,” Pip answered boldly. “I'll finally get to hear Christine Daae sing!”

Erik opened his mouth as if to protest, but stopped as he caught sight of his wife coming down the stairs. “We'll have to go in a side entrance, I'm afraid,” Katherine remarked as she stepped off the last step. Her cloak's hood was already pulled up on her head, and the long dark red fabric hide the bulge of her stomach. “A pregnant woman and two children might offend someone's sensibilities.”

“I'm not a child!” Pip protested.

Chucking, Henri put an arm around each boy and guided them towards the door. “Katherine,” Erik began to say.

Walking forward, Katherine put her hand over his mouth. “You forget I've had the opportunity to hear Christine Daae, de Chagny,” she corrected herself with a shake of her head, “sing once before. Did you really think I would miss the chance to do so again?”

Removing her hand, Erik told her, “I was only going to ask if you were feeling up for a late evening,”

“Certainly,” Katherine answered amiably as she pulled her gloves on. “I slept all afternoon just to prepare myself.”

A skeptical expression in his eyes, Erik, nonetheless, held his arm out to her and escorted her out.


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