The Flames of Revenge

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As Katherine fastened her cloak around her throat, she felt the sharp twinge in her back again, only this time the pain radiated towards the front. Hissing in pain, the woman put her hand against the bedpost, trying to breathe normally. After a moment, the pain passed, and she was able to straighten up.

“Miss Katherine?”

“Anne, I need you to go to Doctor Wellston,” Katherine said, turning to face the other woman. Her long time maid gasped in concern. “There's no need for alarm. I think that with all the stress lately, I could use a consultation. Just to make sure everything is all right.”

“But, I can't leave you, Miss Katherine!”

Katherine waved her hand. “Jonathon will get me to the D'Arcy's,” she said. “But I need you to get the doctor.”

The maid shook her head. “The D'Arcy's can send for him when we get there,” she insisted. “Miss Katherine, you are in a delicate state right now.”

“Anne, if we wait, who knows how long it will take for someone to get to him,” Katherine argued. “We need everyone out looking for Pip and the rest of the children. Please. I'll be fine.”

Sighing, Anne nodded reluctantly She hoovered around Katherine as the woman made her way down to the hall. Shooing the maid away, Katherine waited until Anne had rushed out of the front door. Following at a slower pace, the mistress of the house smiled as she saw the carriage ready and waiting for her.

Anne vanished out onto the street to catch a hansom cab there. Katherine went down the porch steps, shivering at the wind that blew around her. The cloaked footman jumped to the ground and hurried to open the door for her. Katherine came to a stop instantly, staying on the last step. Her hand tightened on the railing.

The man wasn't limping. Dread hitting, Katherine regretted insisting on Anne getting the doctor. She took a slow step backwards, going up the last step. The man hadn't moved, and didn't seem to realize that she was searching for her escape.

Spinning around, Katherine bolted back onto the porch, cursing her condition that kept her slow and unwieldy. She made it into the house, closing the door behind herself. The wood shuddered as the man outside rammed into it. Swiftly, Katherine turned the lock and backed away from the door, trying to slow her breathing.

The pain hit again, nearly taking her breath away. Staggering, Katherine caught herself against the stair railing. “Oh, not now,” she breathed. She kept her eyes on the shadow that was on the other side of the glass of the door. Her pulse quickened as the shadow vanished. “The kitchen door!”

Knowing there was no possible way she could get to it, Katherine turned and began to hurry towards the library. She pushed the door open, unnerved by the quiet that was coming from the rest of the house. The sound of her breathing seemed far too loud, and her heartbeat was pounding in her ears. She closed the door, leaning her full weight against the wood. Her hand searched for the key to the lock.

The door knob turned just as she turned the key. “Miss Katherine,” a voice called to her. “Is this anyway to treat a visitor?”

“Go away, Arden!” Katherine responded, pulling away from the door. She backed towards the bookshelf. “Leave me in peace!”

“After I've come all this way to pay my respects?”

She gasped as the door shuddered. Katherine turned towards the shelf, running her fingers across the spines. There was a sharp crack just as she reached the right book. Gasping, she spun around to find the door splintered. A second later, the door was flying open, wood splinters flying through the air.

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