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TITLE 6/10: The title is very unique, and I've never seen another story with that title

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TITLE 6/10: The title is very unique, and I've never seen another story with that title. My only issue with it is that it doesn't say much about the book. We can assume after reading it that it means that vampires are what's dark and forbidden. But by just scrolling through Wattpad, you'd have no clue what it's about.

COVER 7/10: The cover was very clear and eye opening, but I don't think it fits the story like it should. When I saw the cover, I just thought of a sad girl. I didn't think that that girl in the cover would be hunting vampires.

DESCRIPTION 10/10: The description was the perfect length, it didn't feel like it was dragging on, and it didn't feel like a brief description. It definitely gave you an idea of what you were reading and was very capturing.

FACE CLAIMS 0/10: I won't count this in the total since you didn't have any face claims.

STORYLINE 6/10: I love the storyline so much. A girl who hunts vampires getting to know a vampire, and I'm assuming fall in love with said vampire? That's awesome. My only issue is the first chapter. It's very well done and it was very well written, but unless this'll happen later on in the story, it didn't describe anything. Like, why does Augustine hunt vampires? Did something happen in her past that made her dislike vampires? And who's Calloway? Other than some guy that tells Augustine she needs to kill some vampires, we don't know anything about him. I feel like we could've had a better storyline knowing why vampires were so bad.

BONUS 5/5, grammar: Your grammar was brilliant! You have such a wide vocabulary and I never felt like you were overusing any words. I think you're an amazing author, and I hope you continue this story!

NOTES/ REVIEW: It's such an amazing story and I think you're so good at writing. I'd only advise that you spend more time with a backstory. But I can't say much about that, cause you may have a whole thing planned to reveal her past. But if you ever do, spend some time with it.

TOTAL: 29/40 + 5 bonus points

( rated by tuft )

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