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TITLE 4/10: the title isn't that unique in my opinion

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TITLE 4/10: the title isn't that unique in my opinion. a lot of books have this title. however, it's referenced in the book

COVER 5/10: the cover doesn't really feel like it connects with the book that much. it does show someone who is sad but it doesn't really connect in my opinion. who is it? gabi?

DESCRIPTION 7/10: although the description does a good job explaining the story, it could stand to be a lot shorter

FACE CLAIMS 10/10: the face claims are diverse! they fit the story very well!

STORYLINE 8/10: a somewhat complex storyline, but not too hard to understand. when something surprising pops up, the actions are explained well. however, I don't think it's too unique of a storyline. it would probably be fairly easy to find another thriller with a similar plot to this one

BONUS 5/5, grammar: I didn't notice any grammar mistakes. it was edited and revised thoroughly

NOTES/ REVIEW: I don't read thrillers very often, but I did like this. I also like the amount of detail you added, and I think you did a good job of showing the characters' emotions in a realistic way. for example, someone doesn't have a man suddenly die in their arms and have absolutely no reaction. the only things I would say to improve on are the cover, description, and possibly title

TOTAL: 39/50 + 5 bonus points


rated by flitt & sett )

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