Chapter One:

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Chapter One:

    Darkness that was all there was in the small room. Nightfrost had been in the cell now for two weeks and was constantly demanded to join the decepticons. Which she refused. Megatron would not take a hint much to her dismay. She was defiant and she would stay that way until she got out of this place.

    A Vehicon had brought her her energon ration. He helped her Sip it considering She was still chained to a wall. After she was done she nodded and gave the vehicon a look of thanks. He nodded and ran off having gotten a com link.

     Nightfrost sighed angrily. She was going to go crazy if she was kept in this dark room a moment longer. She hadn't been out flying for two weeks and was slowly losing it. But in order to get what she wanted she had to do what Megatron wanted and that was not going to happen anytime soon.

     Whatever else he wanted she didn't want to find out all she wanted was out of this blasted cell and off of this blasted ship. Her frame ached from many times of being prodded by an energon rod. This was one of the many tortures she had been through each one as painful as the last. Frost hated it! She hated being so helpless!

   When she was captured she had been heading to the autobot base. She began to thrash more when she heard a familiar voice. "You need to stop thrashing in those chains Night." The voice warned.

   The only one to ever give her that nick-name was..."Starscream?!" She asked out of joy and curiousness. He came closer. "Yes its me Night." She looked up at him and smiled for the first time of being there. If she wasn't chained to the wall, she would've hugged him. Finally a familiar face.

   "H-how did you...'' She was interrupted by Starscream. ''Right now that doesn't matter. Look Nightfrost  if you don't join the decepticons in the next month Megatron will order a public execution. You'll die.''

   ''Night, I can't watch or even think about him pulling out your spark chamber. Please join the Decepticons.'' he pleaded with her.

   She looked at him with her icy light blue optics.  "Starscream..." "Nightfrost... please consider it..." He asked as he left her in the cell all alone again. She didn't know what she should do. She didn't want to want to join the Decepticons. She was so confused. Starscream practically begged her to join the Decepticons. Screamer had always had a soft spot for her.

She smiled as she let her memory file play...


   She had met him as a young seeker femme. She loved Vos and its tall buildings that reached up toward the sky. It was the perfect city for the seekers who lived there. The Seekers that lived there were all beautiful and prideful.

   One day she would never forget was when the Seeker Prince rudely fell on her when he was flying...

   He had flown from his palace and was flying at top speed away from it to the outskirts of Vos. But he hadn't noticed a very young and beautiful femme standing there watching the sky. He had fell on her when he had transformed. She yelped and turned her helm a little. "Uhhh...." He whimpered from the fall.

    "Get Off!! You're crushing my wings!" She shouted. He scrambled off of her glaring at her a little from her shouting at him. Though it was a different experience he wasn't used to commoners shouting at him. She stood up as well and glared right back at him crossing her arms over her chest waiting for an apology.

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