Chapter Five:

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Chapter Five:

General Narration:

Megatron came back into his quarters when the day turned into night. He walked in and locked his door. Frost was still laying on his berth not moving. His optics then zeroed in at the dent he made on her fact she had many scratches and dents all over her.

He commed knockout. ::Knockout come to my quarters..bring a medical kit.:: Knockout answered back with a 'Yes sir.' In about a few moments he came in and looked at Nightfrost. Knockout went over to her. "What happened?"

Megatron replied sternly, "Nothing you should concern yourself with now get on to fixing her shoulder and looking right " he wanted his  bondmate to look her best. Knockout got to work repairing her shoulder and any other injuries that were inflicted on her.

After he did that he buffed out all the dents and scratches then left.

Megatron picked up the polishing rag and dipped it in and began polishing her the way he wanted. Her dull black and light blue armor coming out with a shine as he continued to polish everywhere. He had not realized that she was awake until it was too late.

She growled and moved off of the berth away from him seperating herself and him with a table between them. "How dare YOU touch me!!" He glared at her. "That is no way for you to speak to your leader and mate." He corrected her.

She glared at him. "Don't you mean forced?" She replied with a hint of venom. "Did you honestly think if you did that I like you more? Well I don't!"

He just stared at her. He then went around the table while she went to the other side to keep away from him. "Will you stop doing that!" He shouted. "NO!" From her side of the bond she was radiating anger and hatred towards him.

He could feel it and It was not pleasant. He was determined to 'tame' the femme. "I will give you two options." He started. "1. you can stop acting like a little spoiled sparkling on a temper tantrum. or 2. You can come over here and i'll give you this energon." She looked at him.

'me acting a like a sparkling? Uh slag no! I have every right to stay away from you!' She screamed in her mind. She stayed where she was watching him. "Ok then the hard way it is then." He reached over the table and grabbed her. Her wings arched up in fury as she was slung over his shoulder. She banged her fists into his back.

Her only reply was a grunt. She growled. "PUT. ME. DOWN!!"  "No." he replied calmly. "And don't even think about doing anything stupid." He said as he grabbed the energon and brought it  over to the desk while sitting and placing her in his lap with a slight grip to keep her still.

She squirmed a little not liking where she was. That's what he liked about her. She fought and didn't give up easily, but he also didn't want to have to fight her with everything. "Are you going to be still to have your energon?" He asked calmly.

Her answer to him was only a glare. She reached for the cube and he let her take it. She sipped at it while he drank his own energon. She wouldn't look at him, but he watched her. She finished her cube and set it down on the desk.

Frost tried to scoot away from Megatron. He looked down at her. "You might as well get used to this." He told her. "You should be honored I chose you to be my mate." he said to her which made her cringe.

"You forgot the simple fact that you forced it when you knew I hated you!" She said drawing out the you pointing at him. The simple fact was she was hurting, her spark was hurting and she was trying with all her might to keep her hurt away from Megatron. She loved Starscream. Yes, he could be stubborn, hot-headed, and many other things, but he was the only one to ever understand her.

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