Chapter Two:

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Chapter Two:

It had been one Earth Hour like he had said. She had made her decision and though apart of her didn't like it she had to follow through. Maybe she could get valuable information and send it to the Autobots when she got the chance.

Everything she was and going to change. She knew that and she knew the consequences. The one thing she feared was having to face her friends in battle. She couldn't and wouldn't kill them. No matter the order. She was broken, battered, and utterly miserable. The Decepticons sure know how to welcome a prisoner. Que sarcassam.

She was interrupted by her thoughts when a booming voice spoke. "Have you made your decision?" She nodded. "Yes." "Then speak."

'I would rather die than join your pathetic cause you fragged in the processor mech.' is what she wanted to say, but "I...I...I'll join your cause." She whispered.

"say that again, I didn't hear you." 'Of course he didn't.' she looked up and said louder, "I'll join your cause."

He turned to the Vehicons. "Take her down from the chains and take her to Med-bay get her repaired and more presentable." The Vehicons did as told unlocking the chains she fell to the ground in a heap on the floor. "Be careful with her!" He growled to the Vehicons then left. They quickly picked her up and took her to Med-Bay.

They entered Med-Bay. A certain red medic turned around replying, "Ok...what happened to Starscream This...Thats not Starscream." the Vehicons gave him a look as they set her on the med-berth. Knockout walked over and looked her over. She was covered in dents, scratches, and gashes. She would need repairs and cosmetic repairs. 'How could Megatron do this to a femme?' he though to himself.

He set to work repairing her wrists, neck, sides, arms, and legs. Knockout was sure that she was a beautiful seeker. A blue mech came in and started helping Knockout.. "She's been beaten pretty badly." Breakdown stated "Yeah...this is almost Starscream bad...almost."

The Repairing went well into the night as well as into the middle of the day. "Well...She's repaired, but not buffed,polished, or repainted yet." Knockout replied tiredly. "Don't worry i'll take care of that. You just go get some recharge ok knocks?" He nods and goes to his quarters.

Breakdown began to buff out the scratches, dents and gashes. After that was done he went to Knockout's paint stores and got out the right colors and repainted her. He let her dry out then buffed her again. He then polished her until she gleamed. Now that she was all repaired and looked like herself he looked at her realization hit him. "You're that femme From Vos long ago..." He whispered.

As soon as he put the buffer and polish away her optics shot open and she quickly sat up only to have a great deal of pain shooting everywhere in her frame. "Easy there." He said to her.

"Please tell me this is just a nightmare and that i'll wake up somewhere other than here!"

"'re not in a nightmare and this is reality." Breakdown anwered. "Great just great." She replied as she put her helm into her servos. "what exactly happened?" She looked up. "Oh...torture, Starvation, torture, and more torture." His optics widened. "You should get some more rest. You obviously need it."

She nodded. "I haven't had a decent recharge since....last month?" She said as she settled down on the berth and fell into recharge.


"Starscr..." "I'm not leaving her." Starscream said firmly to knockout. "Fine Let me know when she wakes up." Starscream nodded and turned back to her. "If only I could've protected you you did for me." He whispered.

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