Chapter Seven:

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Chapter Seven:

Back with the decepticons.))

Frosty's P.O.V.:

I began to wake up from forced stasis. My optics fluttered open as I lifted my helm a bit slowly. I looked around yawning a softly. Megatron was nowhere to be seen. Well good, that means I won't have to see his ugly face here for awhile. I thought to myself angrily.

Then from out of nowhere comfort comes from his side of the bond. I have to blink a couple of times before I understand what just happened. He....He....did he?! I'm just going to pretend I did not feel that no way did he just try to comfort me.

Standing up I survey my surroundings. The same dark, creepy, and dreary place that i've been stuck in for the past couple of weeks. I'm Starting to go nuts! I have to get out somehow...if only...if only I Could just convince megatron to let me out maybe he'll let me.....right? Pfft....why should I even ask him its not like he'll just come through the door and suggest we go flying it'd be a stupid idea that could possibly let me out. I then stand there hearing a door optics widen.

'Why am I always right?'

Earlier that day....with Megatron's P.O.V:

I was in the med-bay discussing some things with knockout. "Why is she being so Difficult?!" I asked rather angrily. Knockout looked at me for a moment with a hint of fear. Probably over his beloved finish.

He began speaking "Well sir have you tried being nice to her?"

I think about that for a moment. "Yes..."

"Sir keeping her locked up in your chambers is not being nice. she probably feels threatened..."

"How can she feel threatened every time I get close or near her she lashes out at me with those fragging ice shards!"

He then cringed a little at my bellowing.

Knockout then notified "Well sir I suggest you bring her energon treats...or even sweetened energon. gifts. maybe let her go for a flight-"

I cut him off, "If I let her go for a flight she'll run away!" I saw knockout sigh. "Well if she goes nuts from lack of seeing the sky or feeling the breeze on her wings.....then all  can say is good luck because it will get worse."

I look at knockout critically. How dare he suggest I just let her go for a flight?! If I do she'll run away...and if I don't she'll go crazy.

I leave in an even angrier mood. I do however go and get the energon treats and sweetened energon subspacing it I head to my chambers. I open the door and see Nightfrost standing there with Wide optics. I can't help, but chuckle at that.

This is very different usually she's throwing an ice shard right about now- "What was that for??!!" I yell at her obviously speaking too soon.

She screams back,  "You know fragging well what that was about!!!!"

Entering I close the door behind me and walk up to her. She still stands her ground with the ever oh so amusing defiant scowl on her faceplates.

She growled, "What are you looking at!?!" I then looked at her and put something around her neck. Her optics grew even wider. "WHAT DID YOU PUT AROUND MY NECK!!!!????"        

"Will you stop with your yelling....I put a tracker on the collar around your neck you'll have to wear it if you want to go flying." I say to her.

Frosty's P.O.V:

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