chapter 6

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Hi nice meeting you all after very long time. I apologise for updating after very long . Last month I was busy with my sisters engagement. And my classes started last week  only.I am tied up with my schedule pls I am very sorry. And I will be little busy for a while but I will try to update the next chapters soon .
And my dear readers thanks for voting and commenting . I'll try to update soon pls support melike always.

Hear goes the update

After coming from Gupta house khushi and payal went towards Anjali ,nani.mami who all are sitting in the hall and discussing something seeing khushi and payal . Nani and Anjali smiles while Mami makes faces and again starts to talk with the other ladies.
Anjali see  and greets them.

Anjali-come khushiji and payalji. How are all in Gupta house .

Khushi-All are fine di. (And smiles at her and give the gifts to Nani she bought from Gupta house.)

Khushi-Nani Amma and buaji gave this to you all.

Nani takes the gift and bless both payal and khushi. And both sits in the sofa soon hp brings tea and snacks for them. Then Mami starts continue their diacussion.

Mami- sasuma I am telling that we should celebrate this year shivarathiri in Grand way in her typical english

Anjali- haa Nani this year we have two family members included .what say khushiji and payalji.

Nani- yes Anjali bitiya and I am going to keep special poja to bless the new couple.

Anjali-Yes Nani this is great idea then let's start to prepare for the poja . I will go with Mohan to buy the things needed for the poja.

Nani-I will talk with pandit about this.

Khushi-di u need not to go in this condition . You give the lists I will go and buy.

At the same time shyam and listen this and thinks to take advantage of the situation .

Shyam- haan Rani saibha you should not go in this situation. If u want I will go with khushiji to help her.

Hearing this khushi glares at him angrily and going to deny him then they hear someone's voice it was none other than arnav

Arnav-jijaji I am there to take MY WIFE wherever she wants. I think you should stay with di and help her in home.(he stress my wife which makes shaym to flare his nose but he controlled his expression by putting his sick simle)

While arnav come back from office he hear shyam and gets angry and wants to beat him but he can't . He thinks that khushi also wants to go with shaym that is why she didn't tell anything when shyam told he will go with her.

Anjali- haan chote you and khuahiji go .

Arnav-ok di , (seeing khushi) get ready we will leave in half an hour
And while going to his room tells hp to bring his black coffee.

Anjali tells khushi to give the coffee to arnav .khushi goes to her room and keeps the coffee on the table and takes new dress to change. After 5 minutes arnav comes out then khushi takes her dress and went change then comes in mean time arnav dinks his coffee both kept silent and didn't talk with each other . Then take they list from Anjali and goes to chandni chowk market.

At car

Both keeps silent but khushi can't keep her mouth shut . So she plays on the radio where salman Khan songs is playing she also stars to hum the song . And also smiling and blushing seeing her blushing her arnav  gets angry or can say jealous and off the radio and glares at her.

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