chapter 11

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Hi dear readers
I know made you wait ..again
Sry for irregular update .
I will surely try to update fastly .
I am slow in typing so it takes atleast takes my half of the day and I can't able to update regularly sry guys.

And thanks for your great support your vote and comments are energy booster to me .
So please vote and comment and keep supporting me

Again sry for wasting you time.

Let's go to the story

After opening the door Arnav sees Anjali standing there . Seeing Arnav at this time in home made her worried.

Anjali- chote you here at this time , you are fine na chote ( checks his forehead and asked panicking)

Arnav- Di nothing happened to me , I am fine my shirt got spoiled so I came here to chance but just now Aman called me and said that the meeting is cancelled and I don't have much work in office so I thought to do my work form home itself. nothing to worry Di

Anjali- okay you do your work I'll call you during lunch ( Smiles at him)

Arnav- Di you want something why your are here .

Anjali-(pats her forehead) hey Devi maihya, chote actually I came here to help khushiji . Today Mami friends are coming so she told to get them ready , as khushi doesn't know how to drape saree I came here to help her.
Now where is she.

Arnav- she is in washroom . Di I am going to study room. And he goes from there as he can't see her again  like that otherwise he can't control himself. 

After half an hour 

Both khushi  and Anjali are coming  downstairs by the the time guests also arrived Payal was arranging snacks for all, while, mami is talking with them. both khushi and Anjali greets them while some of them admires khushi and some envy her ,while some chudial aunties cursing her destroying their dreams for not being able to becoming their(RAIZADA) in laws.

khushi: Namestae (while joining( her hands in greetings )

sujatha (one the friend of mami ):khush rah beta , your looking  pretty  and beautiful Arnav is really lucky to have you as a wife.

Mallika: Yes your very beautiful and also intelligent or else how can Arnav feel for you i must say you both sisters are well talented she send in a mocking way.

Hearing this Anjali got angry as she got habituated to their bitchiness so she  tells to khushi to help Payal in kitchen before they hurt khushi more with their words.

Anjali: khushiji  you and help Payal in kitchen .

Khushi: okay Di  and she leaves from there.

Anjali: (turning towards that chudial) oh aunty  I forgot ask about her elder daughter (Mallika face changes pale) i heard that now she is with her third husband i must say really she is talented with 2 years she got three times married .is she adjusted in hear new home I thanks god she moved on easily ,and I prat to god this time was able to catch a nice man.(and smiles sweetly )

Mallika felt humiliated : she is fine now. (after that she sits quietly)

Anjali turns towards others and smiles sweetly but the other ladies got the warning  and changed the topic.and mamiji is sulking as she was enjoying the insult towards the Gupta sisters

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