Chapter 8

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Next morning

In arshi room

Both are sleeping in their respective places . Arnav wakes up hearing a knocking sound , he gets up and opens the door . There payal was standing at the door step with anxious face .


Payal-Arnavji is khushi drank the milk . Nothing happened to her na last night.

Arnav- yes I made her to drink the milk as you told.

Hearing this payal signs in relief. This was not gone unnoticed by arnav. He also noticed that how payal gets tensed on khushi's health.

Payal-ok arnavji hmm.. if she wakes up call me I will come and help her to get ready.

Arnav just nodes his head and after she goes he locks the door and goes to freshup. Today he thought to skip his morning jog . After coming out he gets ready . When he is setting his hair he sees her through the mirror and he starts to walk towards her and sees her bright and shining face with help of sun rays. But when he sees her corner of her eyes where tears mark is there ,he remembers yesterday's fight then all incident happened runs in his mind . Suddenly he remembers the conversation between doctor and payal he finds something fishy about payal's reaction and he decides to take a appointment with the doctor and to clear his mind.

He takes his phone and went to poolside to talk with doctor.

Arnav- Hello .... Arnav Singh raizada speaking...


Arnav- yes I want to take a appointment with you to clear some of my doubts regarding khushi health.

Doctor- ..............

Arnav- ok I will be there at 10. Hmm
and disconnects the call.

After talking with doctor he goes into his room and sees her.

Arnav-(to himself) Why I am showing. This much concern to I should her for whatshe did to my di. Now she is just my responsibility that to for 6 months.
Thats it nothing more nothing less.

But deep down in his heart he knows that he cares for her not because she is his responsibility but his love for her.

While arnav was in his own thoughts khushi gets up and sees arnav staring at her , she just ignores him and takes her dress and goes to bathroom.
Seeing her movement arnav comes out of his thoughts and stops her.

Arnav- khushi wait doctor said that water should not be on your wound so.. I will send payal to help you

Khushi just nodes her head she don't want any argument on morning itself.

After 5 minutes payal enters in her room

Payal- khushi how are you feeling now . Is it still paining

Khushi-no jiji now I am fine.

Then payal helps her to get ready and both comes down. All were sitting in the dinning talble for break fast .
Payal tells khushi to sit and tells her to sit and she started to serve everyone then at last she also sat for breakfast.

Nani-khushi bitiya how are you feeling now . is any pain is there?

Khushi-No Nani now I am feeling much better.

Anjali- khushiji today you need not to do any work .you take rest.

Khushi- ok di but on one condition you also sholud give company to .you sholud not forget that you are pregnant you sholud also take rest.
(And she winks at Anjali)

Anjali-(giggles) ok ok khushi ji .

Nk- yes yes di and khushiji today I will also give you company, we can have lots of fun.

Akash- Nk Bhai they have to take rest if they have fun how will they take rest. Khushi ji get well soon then we can all have fun.

Khushi-ok jiju.( turns to Nk) nanheiji after my wound gets over we can all have great fun.

Just then arnav came to dinning table finishing his call when Aman.

Anjali-chotte where you went without having your breakfast.

Arnav-Nothing di I was informing Aman about some timings of the meeting. Hmmm..Akash you to go office I will join you later.

Akash- ok Bhai.

Then all started to have their breakfast. Shayam comes to the dinning table with  bouquet.
Seeing him Anjali smiles .

Shyam-( with his pathetic simle) Good morning Rani saibha. (Turns towards khushi) khushiji how are you now. Rani saibha told that you got hurt .
Get well soon khushiji. Saying this he gives the bouquet .

Khushi begin starts to sneezing amg coughing.  Arnav also gets worry seeing her.

Arnav- khushi.....khushi what happened .

Khushi points towards the bouquet.

Payal who seed this gets panic

Payal- hey Devi maihya  shayam ji khushi has allergy to water lily.

Arnav who listen this takes the flowers from him and throws it.
And stares shyam angrily.
He also gives glare to him . Even though Anjali felt bad when Arnav thrown the bouquet she is also worried for khushi.

Payal rushes towards kichen and came after 5 mins with a galss in her hand and comes to khushi and makes her drink and khushi gets better.

Payal-Now how are feeling .

Khushi nodes her head. Arnav also sighs in relief.

At hospital

Doctor- Yes Mr. Raizada how may I help you.

Arnav- I want to know about my wife's health.

Doctor- yesterday itself I told that she will get better in one or two days.

Arnav-That day you told  her to continue to take some medicine what is about that.

Doctor- (he takes a minute before answering) I think your wife is little anemic so it is for that .

Even though he was not satisfied he just nodes to doctor.

After talking for some time he comes out of the cabin and sees.....

To be continues

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