chapter 10

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Hi lovely readers ....
Long time no see...
I am extremely sorry for late update and thanks for your votes and comments .

I will try to update fastly.
Thanks for being patient and supporting me.

Sorry to those I didn't Reply to your comments and Thanks for your comments.

Enjoy the update

After one week

It has been one week since the incident . All men of the house went to their work after taking their breakfast.

Khushi , payal and Anjali are preparing lunch while talking

Khushi is cutting vegetables and payal is cooking it , while Anjali is with slight irritated  as both the sisters were ordered her to do anything as she is pregnant even after all cajoling them at last she was permitted to sit and watch them and chatting.

While cutting vegetables khushi is eating along. Payal who sees this pats playfully on khushi's head.

Khushi-ouch... Jiji why are hitting me.

Payal- khushi I told you to cut it, not to eat if you keep on eating how will I cook without it.

Khushi smiles sheepishly : sorry di

Payal- pagali, Now do it properly then only I will teach you the food you asked me.

Khushi makes faces at payal and whines to her - jiji you can't black mile me like this.

Payal- just now I did khushi and shows her tongue to her.

While their banter continue Anjali admires their bond lovingly .
At the same time Manorama Mami enters into the kitchen with her famous penguin walk.

Mami- you khoon bhari  tanng and Patti Sadi if you Gupta sister's moments are can you please lend me you precious time.

Payal - j..Ji...ji maaji ,you want anything.

Mami- yes my kitty party friends are coming today you get ready soon and come and you too Patti Sadi, and please get ready in good saree not Patti Sadi ,she laughs at her own joke
and walks away with her penguin walk.

Payal and khushi got surprised that Mami telling them to me their friends.
Anjali who sees them chuckles and pats their shoulder .

Anjali- Don't worry payalji . I think she started to accept you.

Payal smiles and nodes at her turns towards who is very bottom her her nails in nervousness . Payal know what is going on her sisters mind.

Payal-khushi wait in your room I will come along with my saree and I'll help you in getting ready.

Khushi- jiji I love you Soo much( smiles widely and hugs her and kisses her cheek.)

Anjali who sees this gets confused and asks what happened.

Khushi-( smiling sheepishly)Di I don't know to wear saree properly so I was nervous but now jiji sloved my problem .

Anjali- oh ok kushiji.

Mami then again enters and calls payal

Mami- khoon bhari tanng you come with me .

Anjali- paar Mami she has to get ready .

Mami- I know Anjali bitiya but I have to put my face pack to look beautiful so i want her at my service.( Turns towards payal) why are looking at me come let's go.

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