chapter 14

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Anjali was first one who reacted.

Anjali: Shyamji what happened to you . ( getting panic and worried for her so called husband)

Shyam: nothing Rani Shaiba while I was coming back a small boy was trying to cross the road  but  a car came towards him while saving him  I get this wound . the people near by admitted me in hospital. thank god nothing happened to him.

Anjali looks proudly  at him while khushi gets angered seeing him lying  to Anjali and making all of them fool.

Anjali: I am very proud of you Shyamji . you didn't even worry about yourself and saved the boy. but next time be careful Shyamji .if anything happens to you I will not able to survive. 

Arnav who listens this angry as  her husband is cheating her who she considers as her god and loves him unconditionally.

Arnav: Di please don't talk like this . I will never allow anyone to snatch your happiness.( Anjali nodes and smiles at him).

Anjali: come Shyamji you need to rest . 

Nani: Yes Anjali bitiya you both go to room I will tell Hp to bring dinner to your room itself .

After they both went to their room  others also goes to do their work and Khushi and Payal goes to prepare dinner .

All had their dinner ,during the dinner time Khushi didn't  turn towards Arnav and totally avoid him .he got irk with her behavior . After completing  their dinner all went to their receptive room to say hi hi to sleep .

Arshi's room

khushi comes out after freshen up , Arnav is sitting and working in his laptop khushi comes and sits in front of the dressing table and and sets her hair then takes her bed spread and goes towards poolside  before she goes keeps her foot outside a strong holds her Khushi turns and sees Arnav holding her hand and jerks it.

Arnav: You no need to sleep there you sleep inside itself .

Khushi: why ... why this sudden concern. you only told on our marr....sry contract marriage that this will be my sleeping place .

Arnav: Don't talk to me in that tone . And what is that your doing downstairs I told your before itself we should act like happy couple. 

khushi without listening to him again steps into poolside and this surely angered him more , he snatches her bed spread and throws in a corner and pins her to the wall.

khushi without listening to him again steps into poolside and this surely angered him more , he snatches her bed spread and throws in a corner and pins her to the wall

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Arnav: How dare you avoid me while I am talking to you. 

Khushi: I can dare  more than this but you won't be able to bare that.

Listening that he grips her hand more and Khuhsi hisses in pain .

Arnav: I don't want anyone to get suspicious seeing sleeping you in poolside , so shut up and sleep.

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