Chapter 11: Charging your phone is NECESSARY

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    A/N : hey guyzsyzyszysysz so its been approximately 2829282 years since ive updated and thats kinda what made me open my 'works' section and actually focus on this fanfic for once :^) ngl i felt highkey guilty seeing that i last updated this in 2016. wild. the writing style may not be similar to what it used to be but im still trying to see what im most comfortable doing s o


   Satoshi's POV

     If I said that I wasn't nervous because Chitanda's been kidnapped by some idiot who clearly doesn't listen to other people's plans, then I'd be lying. Really, really lying. I didn't want to say that Chitanda got into this because of me, because then that's like saying I'm the one who kidnapped her, when I wasn't.

     I mean, I just helped. Maybe. I avoid eye contact with the duct tape on the floor of the shed where I left her, knowing that I should leave the dirty things in the past.

     I look dramatically, flipping my jacket in the wind, staring at the bright sky as birds pass. Cue the anime openin-

     "SATOSHI." Houtarou shakes me, causing me to flash back to reality. Causing me to remember that she's really gone all because of me and my idiotic brain cells. I blink a few times, adjusting to both the sunlight and shadows on Houtarou's face. I can feel the sweat dripping from my forehead, just like when I ran back then. What was I running for? Why did I bother running? Chitanda was in trouble and all I did was run. She was in trouble that could've been averted. My hands twitch slightly as I ball them into fists. 

     He sighs, he's seen this side of me several times, the side where I've hit rock bottom where some guy decides to steal my mining materials. 

     Well, I mean, if he stole my mining materials then I didn't really hit rock bottom, I technically climbed down there--but whatever, there are more important things to worry over.

     "I know you're worried, but panicking like this isn't going to do anything, you know that." I wince at the tone he's using, the motherly tone.  Concern, love and a sprinkle of disappointment and disapproval. I look down, almost wanting to tell him that it was all my fault, I bite the temptation back. "Yeah," I nod to what he said, "if only it did."

      Mayaka gives us both a look of utter disgust, crossing her arms like a nun seeing you skip Church. "Miss me with that gay shit."


      "GUYS!" Mayaka runs towards us, waving with one hand and the other being preoccupied with something. I squint at her, whispering to Houtarou that she's brought back some kind of book. I gulp, is this where we get a call from a Mafia Boss? Is this the start of Mayaka's Library Romance™  where she finds a flirtatious note inside a book? I may never know which one. 

       As she comes closer, my eyes widen at what she's really holding. The school's log book. I scramble up to my feet and run towards her, forcing Houtarou to run along with me as we both run out of breath halfway through. Houtarou tumbles down as I immediately grab the book from Mayaka's hands, skimming and scanning the dates and the names. After reading the logs from 2 days ago, Houtarou finally gets the will to stand up and reads all the names beside me. I pause. 

       Houtarou seems to notice my sudden stop as he takes the book from my hands, looking up and down for what I found. His eyebrows twitch in confusion, most likely unsure of what I found but having a hunch at what it is. I point towards a name, a name that happened to enter the school right as I ran off, a name that none of the students in our school have and I'm sure of it. 
       It was a boy's name too. Akira Eiji. I ignore the fact that his dumb mind that doesn't listen to OTHER PEOPLE'S (ME) PLANS has two first names. "Akira Eiji." Houtarou mutters behind me, I take out my phone and immediately type his name up when my Google loads. Buffering.

        Nice to know that my friend's been kidnapped but one thing stays the same: My data's slow ass.

       My phone notifies me with a Ping! that the page has fully loaded, I read through everything and sigh. There are at least 10 people who happen to have the same name. I just want to throw away my phone. To be able to snap my fingers and have Houtarou fix this like he always does. I bury my face in my hands for a moment before letting out one of the longest sighs I've ever done. I look up at the sky again, noticing that it's less harsh compared to when the sun was poking out my eyeballs. 

        A burst of energy comes through me as I jump up, realizing that we could've done this all along--I save the number the text came from and call it up immediately, knowing that we could be able to get at least two steps closer today. It rings continuously as I put it on speaker, hoping that my load will be able to push through this.

        "Hello--" as if some kind of punishment, upon the picking up of the call, my phone immediately shuts down. I curse myself, mostly for not checking whether my phone was charging last night but also for not realizing I was already at 15% when searching him up. I almost throw my phone this time, looking like the world's saddest fist pump. I pull at my hair and squat down, practically ready to scream and fight Mariah Carey. But I know I can't. 

           It's all my fault. Mine. I did this to Chitanda and now I can't find out how to help her. I ruined everything. It's always me. Always. I feel the tears swell up in my eyes. It's like they've always said, I really do ruin everything.



 damn satoshi all u have 2 do is charge ur phone and buy some more load wat r u being a drama queen for

also ive been thinking...i really think it's best for me to quit this series. i'm unable to keep up with everything that's going on around me and i might as well make this the last chapter. if anybody wants to continue this story then feel fr-- LMAO JK AS IF FINISH WAT U STARTED BOI

so yeah, im sorry this update took so long even though writing only took me about an hour (smh at how easy it was yet how much i procrastinate) aaannnddd i hope you found this chapter decent bc hell, i sure didn't 

pls comment below comments r the best thing about writing after all  :^)

((this is unedited and short ik ik, ill do a longer one soon))

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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