A Night with Mace

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A Night with Mace

I immediately shot up in my haste to escape from the dream and Lucien. "What's wrong," Mace asked I must have woken him in my sleep. "Bad dream," I said looking around for Lucien. He was gone.

"Where's he," I asked still slightly shaken. Mace looked up realizing Lucien was gone.

"He couldn't have gotten far," Mace said referring to the thunderous storm outside. He got up and shrugged on his damp jacket.

"Leave him. He wanted to go. Let him have it," I said scared of what would actually happen if Lucien was alone with Mace.

We went back to sleep, I had a dreamless sleep which hadn't happened since we'd crash landed on this island. By the time I awoke again the sun was on its way to setting. I got up dressed in washed out jeans and red tank top with black flip flops. After brushing my teeth once again with hot bottled water, I stepped outside to find Mace. He stood in the same spot as yesterday, waist deep in crystal clear water.

Instead of investigating, I sat down by the shore, close enough to see everything but far enough to avoid the waves currents. He noticed my presence not to long after I arrived. He walked towards me completely soaked from the waist down with a bucket in hand.

"Whatcha got there," I yelled to him from where I sat.

Plopping down beside me he said, "Dinner." In the bucket there were two fish. One was bluish gray on top and white on the bottom and it was bleeding from a cut along its underside, while the other was polka dotted purple and red with a white tone and completely yellow eyes.

"Ew what is that," I said pointing to the polka dotted fish.

"I don't know. I caught it first so I just dropped it in the bucket," He said picking it up.

"Put it down," I said completely disgusted, "So you cook now?" I asked once the fish was safely placed back in the bucket.

"We'll see. But what I need you to do is scale it and gut it," Mace said pointing to the bluish gray fish.

"You can't be serious," I said, "Why don't you do it?"

"I'm gonna go build a fire, unless you wanna go build it instead," He flashed me and arrogant smile knowing I can't build a fire.

I grabbed the sharp rock from his hand and set out on my disturbing mission. "Don't cut yourself," And with that he ran off towards the jungle. "Don't get lost," I shouted back. Now to gut a fish . . .

I had no idea what to do so I took the rock and started but decapitating the poor fellow. I didn't want him to watch me. I dropped his head in the bucket than went back to my mission. I then put the headless body down in the sand and ran the sharp rock back and forth from tail to head. I chopped off the tail and fins. There were scales flying everywhere, I would definitely need a bath tonight.

Since Mace had already cut the fish, I didn't need to do that. Thank God! Unfortunately I still had to pull out the guts. I put my hands in where the head should have been and pulled. It was incredibly soft in there, but the red mush that came out all over my hands didn't help compose me at all. I then took a peek in and found that there was still stuff in there. So I had to use the rock in effort to pull out almost all the red goo.

I looked up wondering if I was done. Mace's smile greeted me. "Have fun," He asked.

"Jerk," I said looking at my hands that were covered in blood, guts, and scales.

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