Chapter 5

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Iris gazed at the moon for a moment before walking down to the street at Cape Caem. A small part of her felt bad for sneaking out, but she convinced herself not to get caught up in her fifteen-year-old mindset.
Before he left, Cor instructed Iris to stay at the lighthouse, and expressed concern for her decision to time travel. He was against the entire plan at first, and still had his doubts, but Gladio managed to convince him to tag along. After speaking with Ignis, just moments before they boarded the boat, Cor had hope that everything would work out in their favor. He was on his way to retrieve the key that would unlock the secret doors within the dungeons, and defeat the daemons that were at risk of escaping.
It wasn't long before Cindy parked in front of Iris.
"Howdy." Cindy greeted, smiling.
"Hi." Iris responded, completely puzzled. "I thought they took the Regalia with them?"
"They did. This one's her sister. Gave her a little upgrade." Cindy winked. "Hop in."
Iris sat in the passenger's seat of the Regalia's replica. "There's been a change of plans. We're not going to help them in Altissia."
"No?" Cindy started driving, with the intention of going back to Hammerhead. "What happened?"
"According to Ignis, there's another way we can help, but it'll require us to go to Tenebrae."
"Tenebrae? That's a little far. Not that I'm not up for the trip. What's there?"
"He saw someone, in one of his visions, who was a lot like Lady Lunafreya. He said the first time they went to Tenebrae, it was destroyed. Prompto wasn't with them, and they didn't stay long." Iris still couldn't believe it, but she trusted Ignis.
"Someone like the Oracle? So why are they going to Altissia?" Cindy put the top of the car up to shield them from the rain.
"They still need Leviathan. Ignis said he plans to follow his own footsteps, but promised it all wouldn't end as it did last time." Iris said.
"Sounds like he's planning something crazy. I just hope he knows what he's doing. Any word from Aranea?" Cindy asked.
"I called her earlier. She said she'll catch up as soon as she can."

Upon arrival to Hammerhead, Cindy and Iris heard a loud rumbling sound as they felt the ground tremble. Rather than stop at the garage, Cindy continued driving. They knew what was happening. The Adamantoise was awakening, but hadn't risen yet. They hoped it would wait, and not cause too much damage while everyone was out of Lucis. Cindy and I don't stand a chance against that thing, and Cor can't do it alone.
Soon the trembling stopped, as the car ascended in its flying form. Cindy grinned, feeling an incredible amount of pride in her work. Iris was speechless, and couldn't help but smile as well. It was dark out, and the rain had stopped, but the view was still amazing. The silhouette of the Rock of Ravatogh stood out beautifully in the distance.
           Soon it hit them. The view of Lucis would soon change. It would remain in darkness, with daemons lurking in every corner. They worried about the risk they were taking. How many lives will be sacrificed to save one? Cindy wondered if her grandfather, Cid, would be all right running the garage alone. He'll be fine... She just didn't know how long she'd be gone, or if the darkness would fall while she was away.
         Iris was worried about all of her friends, but mostly her brother. Losing Noctis meant she didn't have to lose Gladio through his job of being the shield. He was free to live a relatively normal life without that extra weight on his shoulders. While life in Insomnia before the fall was pleasant, Iris had to live each day wondering when or if she'd see her father and brother again. What if saving Noct means I lose Gladdy? She looked up at the stars with glossy eyes, and soon closed them.

      The evening before the Rite, when Lunafreya would awaken Leviathan, Noctis and Prompto stood on the balcony of their hotel room. It wasn't long before Noctis, tired of standing, sat on the iron railing and propped up one leg on it. He gazed at the warm evening sky, resting his chin in his hand.
Gladio and Ignis soon joined them.
       "Scared?" Prompto asked.
       "A little, I guess." Noctis answered. "I'm just glad I don't have those annoying headaches anymore."
       "No, but I'm sure dealing with Leviathan will be a headache in itself." Gladio said.
       "Well thanks to Gentiana and Umbra, we can always do it over if it all goes wrong." Noctis said with relief.
       Gladio, Prompto, and Ignis exchanged quick looks to one another. As much as they wanted to tell him everything; just how bad the damage would be, that Luna would die...they couldn't. When they had gone through this before, they were on evacuation duty, and were nowhere near Noctis and Lunafreya.
      Concerned with their silence, Noctis looked at his friends. Ignis spoke before he could question them. "Don't abuse that kind of power, Noct. We can all expect a tremendous amount of damage tomorrow, which is why we all need to be prepared."
        "Just give me a call if you need help with Leviathan. I'm a natural with the ladies." Prompto pleasantly said, confident his words would change the topic.
         "Okay, big shot." Gladio chuckled.
         "Is that why you haven't asked Cindy out yet?" Noctis teased.
          "I can't just ask our goddess out! Dressed like this?! With no car?!"  While successful in changing the subject, Prompto was freaked out at the idea of asking Cindy on a date, or confessing his feelings to her.
         "But aren't you a natural with the ladies?" Gladio asked with a smirk.
         "She is a goddess!" Prompto snapped back.
         Ignis held back his laughter at the ridiculous conversation, and Noctis chuckled. In that moment, different things ran through their minds. Noctis had no idea what tomorrow would bring, but he was ready to face Leviathan as he had done with Titan.     
      Gladio and Prompto knew the outcome, and wanted tomorrow to be over. They figured any plans towards saving Noct would begin after Altissia. Then there was Ignis' sight. They wanted to save it, and put all of their focus into getting to the alter in time to help Ignis fight Ravus and Ardyn.
       Ignis was prepared to lose his sight once again, however, Ignis had been given a choice last time. One that he stood proudly beside, but at the cost of his close friend and king. If it meant saving his life, Ignis planned to sacrifice more than just his eyes.

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