Chapter 16

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    A drop of water fell from the ceiling and landed on Noctis' nose. The cave reminded him of the ones they'd explored in Lucis. Cold, dark, damp, and creepy. He started to wonder why they continued walking through the cave, when their reason for entering was to get out of the pouring rain. Eleven years ago, I probably would've complained. Still, he was curious, just like his younger self.
         Gladio stopped the group at a fork in the road, as they heard Imps scurrying along both paths. He and Noctis faced one way, while Iris faced the other. As soon as their flashlights revealed the first few imps of each group, they charged towards them and attacked.
Noctis warped off of the walls, striking any imp in his path. One managed to jump on his back, but was pulled off and slammed into the wall by Gladio. The last few imps leaped towards them, and no sooner were they sliced in half by Gladio's massive blade.
Iris held her katana out for the next imp to leap towards her; impaling it. With a swift and hard swing, the dead imp was thrown off her blade, joining the rest of the dead imps that laid around her. Before she could fully turn away, more imps rushed towards her. With a smirk, she summoned and tossed a moogle doll towards the daemons. Upon impact with the leading imp, the doll exploded, wiping out the ones behind it.
"I see you've learned a new trick. Sure you got them all?" Noctis said as Iris rejoined them.
Iris chuckled. "I've learned a lot more than you think. I went into my side of the fight alone, and I went easy on them. Stop underestimating me, and let's get moving."
Noctis raised his eyebrows as she began to walk. The people of Lucis didn't call her the Daemon Slayer for nothing.
"You heard the lady." Gladio chuckled and patted Noctis' shoulder.

Several battles later, and further into the cave, Noctis, Gladio, and Iris stopped for a quick rest. They were just a few feet from a ledge they could climb down. It had only been a few hours, but it felt like they'd been down there for days. They were cold, hungry, and tired.
        "I could really go for Iggy's cooking." Noctis sighed.
"Same. Do you wanna keep going or head back?" Gladio leaned against the wall and folded his arms.
"What are the chances we'll find a way out if we keep going?" Iris asked, looking towards the ledge.
"Very slim." Gladio answered.
"What if this leads to another Royal Tomb?" Noctis wondered.
"Wouldn't surprise me. There were more kings than the thirteen who carried the royal arms you now possess." Gladio said.
"So we should keep going?" Iris turned to Noctis.
"I should keep going." Noctis said. "You two head back."
Gladio scoffed. "Out of the question. You know better."
Noctis turned to Iris, hoping to avoid Gladio's glare, but her glare was worse than his at the moment. Before he could blink, she had a tight grip on his shirt, and shoved him against the wall.
"Let's get something straight, Noctis. I am not the one who needs protection. You are. I can take care of myself. You wouldn't have said that if Ignis and Prompto were here in my place. You need all the help you can get, and I'm here whether you like it or not. Don't always expect me to sit on the sidelines." Her tone was aggressively demanding.
The King of Lucis found himself speechless. He understood exactly what she was saying, and she was right. Noctis always expected that kind of reaction from Gladio, who was never afraid to give a little tough love. It didn't help that his thoughts were already scrambled, she stood so close to him, and she had a cute angry face. There were a couple tiny droplets of water on her thick, long lashes, that only further defined those fiery amber eyes.
His face started to heat up, and he hoped she wouldn't feel his racing heartbeat. Had it been Gladio, he would've shoved him off. He lifted his hand, and just a second after she loosened her grip on him, he took her hand. Her face immediately softened.
"It won't happen again." He said, gently squeezing her hand.
Iris' cheeks turned a bright shade of red, and she almost immediately pulled away from him. She held her own hand for a moment as she moved towards the ledge. She glanced back at Noctis, then turned and started to climb down the ledge.
Gladio stretched his arm outward, preventing Noctis from climbing down second.
"What's the problem?" Noctis asked, looking at Gladio.
Gladio didn't answer. Instead, he glanced down at Iris, and then shot a look at Noctis that told him to watch his back, if not to take a step back. Iris may have been a grown woman, but she was still his little sister. He knew how she felt, but that wasn't going to stop him from being just a little protective. He lowered his arm, and then started climbing down.
         As much as he wanted to deny it, Noctis wished the moment lasted just a little bit longer.

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