Chapter 25

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Stella found herself, once again, in the ruins of Insomnia. She looked into the beam of light, and took a deep breath. Her hands trembled. Cain had taken the ring prior to her falling asleep, and Prompto's life was on the line. In her world, he was only a few feet away, with a blade to his throat.
She ascended within the beam, gazing up at the star that began to appear more like a gate as she got closer to it. Extending her hands, Stella held onto the lock, and closed her eyes. Feeling powerless, and defeated, she shed several tears. She never wanted to let anyone down, or be a failure in the eyes of those dear to her.
"Don't do it." One echoing voice said.
"Yes! Open it! Please!" Begged another.
Stella opened her eyes, listening to the cries of the spirits beyond the gate. Many found peace in the afterlife, while others yearned for a second chance among the living. Stella tried not to listen to them. Prompto was in trouble, and she didn't want to take any risks.
      "I'm so sorry. So very sorry. Please forgive me." Stella pulled the lock aside, and opened the gate.
      Descending back to the ground, Stella made eye contact with Daemon Prompto. He held up his hand, turning his attention to the souls that followed Stella. The black center of the white right illuminated in purple, dragging a soul out of the beam, and into the ring. Stella's eyes widened at the sight, just seconds before she awakened.

      Cain removed the white ring from Daemon Prompto's finger, as soon as the glow faded and he opened his eyes. Prompto rushed to Stella's side, summoning his guns, and aimed them at Cain.
"Wait!" Stella commanded.
"What's wrong?" Prompto asked.
"I have a question for him."
"I'm listening." Cain said.
"If you needed me, why did you try to kill me in Tenebrae?" She wondered.
"Oh that? I just wanted to give you a little scare, and the people of Tenebrae a reason to despise the king of Lucis." Cain smirked.
Gloriosa entered the room and approached Cain. He handed her the ring, and then she walked over to Prompto and Stella.
"Lower your guns." She demanded. "In time, you will see that we're right, and you will understand."
"There's nothing right about what you're doing!" Stella shouted.
"...How did it feel to have your parents ripped away from you? What about your birth parents? This could be your chance to meet them." She turned her attention back to Prompto. "And you. You were stuck with guardians who felt you weren't worth their time. You deserved so much more, and we can give that to you. All you have to do is give us a little more time."
Prompto frowned and lowered his guns, as Gloriosa made her way out of the room. While she spoke to them, Cain and Daemon Prompto had a chance to escape.
Stella gave him a comforting pat on the back. "Let's go find the others and get out of here."

After finally leaving Zegnautus Keep, Noctis and his friends decided to rest at the hotel. They stayed in the suite, believing it best to stay together. Everyone was tired, but they couldn't sleep.
Gladio and Iris isolated themselves, so he could tell her about his encounter with Gloriosa. It wasn't the easiest conversation. She continuously, and aggressively rubbed her tears away; angered at the fact that Cain could've cloned her mother, but she couldn't help but think about Noctis going to see Lunafreya. Clone or not, she assumed it must've been nice to see her again, and she wanted that chance with her mother.
He pulled her into his arms, wanting to tell her to keep it together, but then remembering how much she'd lost at just fifteen years old. He would've been lying if he said that seeing their mother again didn't make him feel a little emotional.
"What do we do now?" Prompto asked.
"...We need to get that ring...and destroy it." Noctis said, hesitantly.
"...But you don't want to." Ignis assumed. "This won't end well, Noct. We can't allow ourselves to fall for his trap."
Gladio and Iris joined them, as Stella asked, "Who is it that you want to see?"
"...My father." He replied sadly.
"Your father is with you, Noct. All the time." Gladio reminded him, pointing at the Ring of the Lucii.
"Then he's safe." Prompto sighed. "That's good."
"...Not if Cain is the one retrieving him." Ravus said.
"What do you mean?" Prompto folded his arms.
"Cain is a clone of Ardyn." Ravus began.
"Which makes him a Lucis Caelum." Ignis continued. "His temporary death just might lead him to your ring, Noct."
"So how do I protect him? Or any of the former kings?" Noctis wondered, stressfully. "It's not like Cain will let us follow him everywhere to make sure he doesn't die."
"You're falling for his trap right now." Aranea said, drawing everyone's attention to her as she leaned against the wall.
Noctis leaned forward a little. "How is this-"
"Think about it. This all went down too easy, which means Cain is planning something bigger. He wants you to focus on the clones. No offense, but shortcake here is a clone. The only difference is that he's not plagued with the scourge like Lunafreya. Stella can purge it from within her." Aranea explained.
"Then what?" Ravus growled.
"...Then you have your sister back. Regardless of whose body it is, her soul is the one that you know." Aranea added.
      " what's the plan now?" Prompto asked.
       "Find out if there are more royal tombs." Gladio suggested.
        Noctis nodded in agreement. "I'll talk to Cor when we get back to Lucis."
Soon, they all retired to bed, agreeing to at least try to get some sleep. The suite had two rooms, both of which were taken by the women. Iris bunked with Stella, and Aranea had the other room. The bigger couch extended into a pull-out bed, which was shared between Noctis and Ignis. Prompto was curled up on the love-seat, and Gladio and Ravus took the floor.
         Iris quietly made her way to the kitchen area for some water. She cracked the fridge open for some light, and was soon joined by Noctis. They didn't say anything, since they didn't want to disturb anyone who may have been asleep, or trying to sleep. He pulled her into his arms, and closed the fridge.
She couldn't stop thinking about her mother. It was a dangerous thought, but Iris was tempted to go out and find her. Tightening her grip on the back of Noctis' shirt, she held back the tears, feeling her throat get heavier. Iris started to remember her mother from the night before her brother left Insomnia; how beautiful she always looked with her hair pulled back in a high ponytail. She could still feel the kiss on the forehead, that her mother had given her the following morning.
That's when her heart sunk. She pulled away from Noctis, remembering more about the days that followed after Gladio left. Gloriosa often left for work only minutes before Iris would start getting ready for school.

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