Chapter 4

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          With night approaching fast, the Chocobros and the Chocochick decided to rest at the motel in Old Lestallum. Iris paced around her room. She was too anxious to sleep. Part of her wanted to go to Altissia, even though she knew she couldn't. The other part wanted to stall and keep them from taking the trip. She felt completely powerless, and without thinking, she put her boots on, and went outside. The idea of going off on her own was tempting, exciting, irresponsible, and beyond reckless. She took a deep breath, and then took a few steps forward, towards the street.
"Iris?" Ignis' low voice was loud in the silence.
Iris turned, and saw him sitting on a bench in front of the motel. She approached the bench and sat beside him. His eyes were closed, as he took slow and deep breaths. It was as if he'd been in a peaceful slumber.
"Trouble sleeping?" He asked.
"Kind of. What about you?" She asked, wondering why he kept his eyes closed after spending a decade in the dark.
"It appears we're on similar boats. I'm using this time to my advantage. I don't want to forget all that I've learned. I'd like to keep my senses as heightened as possible, despite regaining my vision." He said.
"...In case you lose it again?"
"Precisely. I have no doubt I'll lose my sight. Even if we simply find ourselves in a dark place, I want to be prepared."
Iris smiled. "Good thing you're on our side. Don't forget to enjoy your sight while you have it."
           Ignis opened his eyes, smiled and said, "I'll cherish every second, just as we all intend to do with our time with Noct."
       Iris lowered her head and sighed. "...I don't want to mess this up. I know you guys can save him, but I...- I didn't want to come back just to sit on the side and do nothing."
          "You don't have to go to Altissia to do your part in all this. Your place is elsewhere, with the team you've put together." Ignis said.
          Iris lifted her head, slightly shocked that he possessed such knowledge. She wondered if Gladio and Prompto knew, and feared the worst, even though they never mentioned it.
         "Don't be alarmed. You're not the only one. Gladio invited the Marshal. He's going to stay here in Lucis. I contacted Aranea, who informed me that you got to her first." Ignis said reassuringly.
         "I figured we'd need the backup...and thought Cor would be a lot harder to convince... What did you mean when you said my place was elsewhere?" Iris was concerned but also curious.
         Ignis was a little hesitant to answer. He knew she could handle what he was going to say, but didn't want to put her in danger.
         "I had another vision, which is partially what brought me out here. I will share it with you, and then leave the rest in your hands"
         "...What about Gladdy?" Iris asked cautiously.
         "What about him? Gladio will always prioritize your security. He would be against this, and learning of your whereabouts too soon can affect his performance in Altissia. You can handle yourself well, and you won't be alone. We'll have our hands full for a bit, so I'm counting on you." Ignis said.
         Iris nodded her head in agreement. Ignis refused to treat her like a child, and that lifted her spirits tremendously. It was dangerous to have her follow through with his plan at her current age, but it was a risk they were willing to take.

The following morning, Noctis was anxious as they drove to Cape Caem, though he didn't show it. The others wondered how they could stall the trip, knowing that at this point, they had already driven with Iris and made stops to sightsee and found the royal tomb within Malmalam Thicket.
"What's the problem?" Noctis asked as the car began to slow down.
"The engine light turned on. It's best to check it and call Cindy before we head to Altissia." Ignis responded as he pulled over.
         They stepped out of the car, and then Ignis stood at the front of the car with his phone out and said, "It shouldn't take long. I'm sure it's nothing serious."
Gladio joined Ignis, as Iris, Prompto, and Noctis stood by the metal railing and admired the scenery. Iris gazed up at the lava that illuminated the Rock of Ravatogh. The volcanic mountain was absolutely beautiful during the day, and would look twice as stunning if it held onto that fiery glow at night.
"You're a lot quieter than usual." Noctis said.
"I was just thinking." Iris said. "Have you guys been up there yet?"
"Yeah." Noctis replied.
"Keeping it short as always. The lady wants details." Prompto teased. "There was a Royal tomb up there. Aside from the heat and the giant bird, the view from up top was incredible. Wasn't it, Noct?"
"Uh, yeah. I guess." Noctis answered.
Prompto sighed. "Were you even paying attention?"
"You should." Iris added as she forced a smile. "I'm sure Lady Lunafreya would love to hear about your adventures."
Noctis lowered his eyes and slightly turned his head. For a moment, he felt embarrassed, and then realized that it had been years since he and Lunafreya had spoken in person. They used a little red book to keep in touch, but they never wrote much. Not enough to require them to get new books over the years.
With that in mind, Noctis started thinking of his and Lunafreya's wedding. Is it even worth it anymore? What's the point? He was excited at first. Nervous at the thought of getting married, but still excited. At least...I thought I was. His mind felt cloudy. After the fall of Insomnia and his father's death, Noctis pushed himself to stay strong. He was relieved to learn that Luna had survived the attack on Insomnia. He cared about her, and he loved her. But am I in love with her...or do I just want to save her? All he wanted was to clear his mind and understand everything that was going on.
"We're heading out now. Back in the car." Gladio called out to them.
"How's the car?" Noctis asked, making his way back with Iris and Prompto.
"The car's just fine." Gladio answered.
With everyone back in their seats, Ignis continued the drive to the lighthouse.

A little later in the day, Iris and Talcott lowered their arms, after waving goodbye to Noctis and his friends, who were sailing away to Altissia.
"I hope they come back soon." Talcott said.
       It broke her heart to have to leave him behind, especially knowing that Jared, his grandfather, had died very recently. Dustin and Monica were strong members of the Crowns-guard, so she knew Talcott was in good hands.
        She looked down at the seven-year-old, put her arm around his shoulder and said "I hope so too."

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