Chapter 11

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         Iris stood by the white and gray boat that was anchored at the dock beneath Cape Caem's lighthouse. A cool sea breeze flowed through her hair, and sent a chill down her spine. She climbed onto the boat and sat at the very front, letting her feet hang. She gazed out at the evening sky and gentle waves, until she heard the elevator doors slide open.
         Noctis stepped out of the elevator and made his way down to the boat. He didn't say anything. Staying on the dock, he walked towards the front of the boat and let out a gentle sigh. He didn't really know what to say. She usually did all the talking.
Iris smiled, happy that he was there. He didn't have to say anything, but not knowing when her next chance to talk to him in person would be, she wanted to break the silence.
"Last time we were here, I was the one leaving." Noctis said. Iris was a little surprised that he'd spoken first.
"I remember. I had no idea that I wouldn't see you again for another ten years after that." She pulled her feet up onto the boat and stood.
         "Didn't think I'd be gone that long." He said in a low tone.
         She continued to gaze out as the sun had almost completely set. Noctis shifted his eyes towards her, and then his head followed. Iris had grown so much in a decade. She'd always had a fire burning in those big amber eyes, but it seemed like the rest of her just fell perfectly in sync with that flame. From her face expressions, to the fierce but simple strut in her walk. Her stance, however, was very confident, but there was still a sense of innocence to it.
        "...Just make sure you come back, no matter how long you're away. The people of Tenebrae will be lucky to have you...but we need you here." He encouraged her to go, though part of him didn't want her to.
         Iris jumped from the boat to the dock, landing right behind him. She immediately pressed her hand against his shoulder to prevent him from turning around. She didn't want him to see her rosy cheeks and glossy eyes. If they had this conversation a month ago, or even a week ago, she just might have decided to stay.
         With a warm smile, and a slightly breaking voice, she looked at him and said, "I'll be back. I promise."
        He could hear the change in her voice, and the last thing he wanted was for her to start crying. He wanted to reach up to his shoulder and take her hand, but he was very hesitant. Noctis didn't always know how to comfort people, and he wasn't exactly on the same level as Gladio when it came to women. A pat on the hand. Seems simple enough. By the time his hand got close enough to hers, she had pulled away and headed back to the elevator.

Exactly one year after the light returned to the world, Stella sprung forward out of sleep, in a cold sweat. Her chest felt tight and she found it hard to breathe. Pryna soon awoke from her peaceful slumber at the foot of the bed.
Stella jumped out of bed and hurried to Iris' room. Iris was still awake, and was meditating on the floor. She opened her eyes and stood as Stella rushed into the room.
        Stella let out a sigh of relief. "Good. You're still here."
         "I'm not leaving for another hour. What's wrong?" Iris sat on her bed and gestured Stella to sit beside her.
         "You can't leave tonight." Stella's voice trembled, as she sat beside Iris. "They're coming back. It's happening again."

         Back in Lucis, Gladio yawned as he drove from Hammerhead to Lestallum. After working all day, he was beyond exhausted. He would've been fine just crashing at a campsite and then continuing the drive in the morning. It's not like I don't have my camping equipment.
     Remembering how hot Lestallum was, and how many people were there, Gladio pulled over. He stepped out of his truck, grabbed his camping gear from the back, and then made his way to the nearest campsite.
          He dropped his stuff and almost immediately started setting it up. The tent didn't take long to put together, and since it was just him, he only needed one chair. 
          Once he was completely settled in, Gladio sat in his chair, let all of his hair down, and drank his bottle of water. I could really go for something stronger. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, and would've fallen asleep in that chair had it not been for a loud rumbling sound he knew all too well. Towards the right, not too far from him, an Iron Giant rose from the ground, with three Thunder Bombs soon appearing around it.
          "...Time for round two." Gladio stood up, tied all of his hair back into a ponytail, summoned his sword, and then charged towards the daemons.
          With a few quick but powerful strikes, the Thunder Bombs were defeated. Gladio used his shield to block the massive blade of the Iron Giant. Once free, Gladio swapped his shield for his other blade, and tore right through the Iron Giant. It soon descended into the ground, bubbling as it appeared to melt.
         As he made his way back to the campsite, his phone rang. Iris was calling him.
        He answered the phone; "Hey. You didn't leave yet, did you?"
        "No, I'm leaving in the morning. Is everything okay? I didn't wake you, did I?"
        "No, but we've got bigger problems. The daemons are back." Gladio grabbed his water bottle and made his way back to the truck.
         "That's what Stella said, but she dreamt it. We thought it was a message and we'd have time to prepare. I guess not." Iris sounded disappointed, but also worried. "Are you okay?"
           "I'm fine." Gladio put his phone on speaker, started the truck and drove off. "I'm on my way to Lestallum to warn everyone, but need to stay where you are."
          Slightly annoyed, Iris asked, "What? Why?"
          "Unless Stella or Ravus have any daughters, or anymore sisters running around, we only have one Oracle. Stella can hold her own in a fight, but she'll have a better chance if you're there with her. We can't let history repeat itself."
           "You're right... I'll stay. What about you guys?" She asked.
           "We'll be fine. I'll talk to you soon." Gladio drove through the tunnel leading to Lestallum.

The following morning, Noctis sat in the house at Cape Caem with Prompto. Ignis was making breakfast, and Gladio was leaning against the wall, between the two staircases. Umbra was sleeping by the front door.
          Noctis held a very guilty expression on his shaven face. He blamed himself for the return of the daemons, and his friends could see it. He was meant to die, but he didn't. When they defeated Ardyn, Noctis didn't believe he was really gone. Ever since that day, any chance he had to be alone, he spent it wondering how and when Ardyn would return. I didn't think it'd be this soon.
         As much as Prompto wanted to tell Noctis it wasn't his fault, he had absolutely no idea how to convince him that it was true. Noctis was never to learn of their time traveling mission. Prompto feared Noctis would use Umbra to go back, and sacrifice his life.
"It's not your fault, Noct." Ignis said softly, as he placed the plate of waffles and bacon on the table.
Gladio sat at the table, and then Ignis grabbed his coffee and joined them. They started to put food out for themselves, except for Noctis.
"Snap out of it and eat. Are you the king or not?" Gladio snarked.
"Of course. Sorry." Noctis said.
"Then start acting like it. You can't just be the king only when everything seems laid out for you. It doesn't matter what the prophecy did or didn't say. You're still here and you're needed." Gladio said scoldingly.
Noctis shot a dirty glare at Gladio before he stood. "What do you know?! You have no idea what it's like! I accepted my fate! I was ready and willing, and then it just didn't happen!"
          Gladio stood, slamming his hands on the table. "And you should be grateful! What; after one year, you're tired of being the king?! Don't go back to being a brat! Is that all you think about?! Why you aren't dead?! You should be wondering why no one informed you that life was another option!"
          "Sparing my life means Ardyn can come back whenever the hell he wants!" Noctis shouted.
           "And what about the rest of us? There was a plan for you. Without your bloodline and the Oracle's, the rest of us would've been screwed. How long did you really think we'd last living in peace? Instead of sitting here sulking and waiting for history to repeat itself, get your ass up and get to work." Gladio moved from the table and stepped over Umbra to get outside.
         Noctis pulled his chair closer and sat down. He was angry. Not at Gladio, but himself. By sulking, he was letting his people down, and allowing his enemy to get ahead. History repeating itself meant that nights would become longer, Stella would die, and the world would once again be trapped in darkness.
          Ignis' phone rang. He put his coffee mug down, and then pulled his phone out of his pocket and answered it. "Hello?"
         "Is Noct with you?!" Iris asked, sounding out of breath.
         Puzzled, Ignis responded, "Yes." He rested his phone on the table and put it on speaker.
          Prompto went to the door and motioned for Gladio to come back inside. They returned to the table, and Prompto sat down while Gladio remained standing.
          "What's wrong, Iris?" Ignis asked.
           "...Noct...just tried to kill Stella." Iris answered.

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