Chapter 9

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Nine years flew by faster than they thought. After finding the Royal Tomb in Cartanica, they found themselves back at the Citadel, ready to face Ardyn. They climbed the steps with Ravus beside them, and entered the building. Moments later, Cor and Stella walked through the gates.
Stella was nervous. She didn't get a chance to meet Noctis, and was worried her resemblance to Lunafreya would distract him and ruin the plan. For similar reasons, no one told Noctis about Stella. They wanted him to start the battle with a clear mind. As for Ardyn, Stella had never met him either, but she'd heard enough about him that convinced her he was the enemy.

          In a battle of five against one, Ardyn didn't go down so easily. He was fast and relentless, and alternated between each royal arm in his possession, just as Noctis had done. When given the higher ground, beside a massive hole in the building, he warped down to the street. Noctis immediately followed, while the rest of the team made their way back the way they came from. They ran into Cor and Stella, who had just stepped out of the elevator.
          "Wait in the throne room, and stick to the plan! Once you see an opening, strike him!" Ignis commanded.
           "Come with me." Ravus said just before escorting Stella to the throne room.

           From above, the street just outside the Citadel looked as if it were lit up with glowing red and blue streamers. Cindy flew over the apocalyptic city in the flying Regalia, with Iris and Aranea as passengers.
           "You sure it's a good idea to get mixed up in that?" Cindy asked.
            "No. Look over there." Aranea directed their attention to the surrounding streets, where several daemons were lurking. "You ready, kid?"
            "Let's do it." Iris said confidently. "We'll see you outside the city, Cindy."
            "Good luck." Cindy replied.
           Once the roof of the car was down, Iris and Aranea stood on their seats and then jumped out. Having trained with Cor, Iris was heavily skilled with a katana. She summoned it, and with Aranea, spiraled down onto the heads of two Red Giants.

           "Did anyone else see that?!" Prompto asked, having seen Iris and Aranea falling in the distance.
            "See what?!" Gladio shouted back.
They stopped right outside the front gate, and just for a moment, watched the battle between Noctis and Ardyn.
"Doesn't seem like there'll be an opening for her anytime soon." Cor said. "We might have to jump in and hold him down."
"Easier said than done." Prompto said as Noctis and Ardyn began to levitate with the Royal Arms circling around them.
They ran further into the street and watched as the fight was taken up to the sky. From down below, it was like watching an explosive firework show. They'd have continued watching had it not been for the battle cries of Aranea and Iris, who were still fighting daemons.
"Let's go, Prompto. You two keep an eye on them." Cor commanded before leaving with Prompto to join Iris and Aranea.

Stella and Ravus continued to watch the fight from the throne room.
"Perhaps we should start making our way down." Ravus suggested.
"No. I just need an opening. I don't want to miss my chance." Stella argued.
"And what exactly is your plan if they land in a blind spot?" Ravus asked.
"I can get down there faster than you can. I will wait here." Stella said.
Hesitant at first, Ravus hurried down the stairs and out of the throne room. Stella continued to watch the fight.

Gladio and Ignis made their way through the Citadel gates. Moments later, they were joined by Cor, Prompto, Iris, Aranea, and Ravus.
With their armiger gone, Noctis and Ardyn began to fall. Seeing this as her only chance, Stella warped to Ardyn and held onto him as tight as she could; beginning to heal him of the Starscourge that plagued him. Noctis' eyes widened at the sight. He couldn't tell if he was hallucinating or not. Before he knew it, they all hit the ground.
           Gladio, Ignis, Cor, and Ravus, immediately closed in on Ardyn and held him down, allowing Stella to continue the healing process. The rest of the team passed them by to assist Noctis. Ardyn screamed as he tried to free himself from their grasp.
     "Are you all right?" Iris asked.
      "Is that-?" Noctis began.
     "No. Believe it or not, that's her twin sister, and the new oracle." Aranea said.
      "If this won't have to go to the throne room to finish him off." Prompto said.
        "What about the prophecy?" Noctis asked.
            "Forget about it. Stick with plan B. Maybe we've all been lied to, but life is about change. Just be grateful." Aranea said.

              After some time, Ardyn was finally free of the Starscourge. He stumbled when he stood; still wanting revenge. Noctis stepped forward, with his friends behind him, and struck Ardyn with every royal arm in his possession. He delivered the final blow with the Ring of the Lucii; casting Alterna on Ardyn. They all watched as Ardyn was sucked into the black hole. Noctis then dropped to his knees; exhausted from the fight.
           Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto knelt alongside Noctis, and to their surprise, sunlight broke through just moments later. It worked! Just as he had done before, Prompto cried, but they were tears of joy this time. Iris tried to keep it together, but she almost immediately gave in, dropped down next to her brother, and cried as well. Gladio, who also shed some tears, hugged Iris.
           Noctis looked at Ignis, who also had tears streaming down his face, and asked, "How is this possible?"
          "I believe it's best not to ask such questions. We're just happy it all worked out." Ignis answered, smiling.
          Noctis smiled back, and just as he was about to wipe the tears from his eyes, he dropped his hand and allowed his own tears to fall.

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