Supernatural Distopia

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Supernatural AU!
18000 words

The world is a post apocalypse filled with all kinds of monsters. Fox!Taehyung runs into a gang of rather friendly and generous strangers, but they don't know who Taehyung really is.

Rated M for blood, violence, and implied sexual content

Being out at night often means death. The dark releases beasts to shred and feast on those without shelter. The fanged, nocturnal creatures prowl for prey and for sport, often leaving nothing left. For weaker specimens, and for moral ones, the night means death.

And here Taehyung is. Outside as the sun is setting and completely lost. He is in fox form with his tail trailing behind him as he tries to get his bearings. The prey near his foxhole was scarce and in searching for more he strayed too far.

Taehyung decides he should find somewhere to stay the night and he can continue searching for home in the morning. That would be easier if there were literally any shelter in the area. The only thing around him is trees and overgrown undergrowth. He can't smell anything besides the stale odor of wolf or maybe coyote. Perhaps there's an empty den nearby?

All that Taehyung knows is that he has to act fast. He's losing light. He trots through the dense growth as quickly as he can manage, keeping his ears alert and his nose high. He diverts his course when he hears bushes rustling, but doesn't stop to wonder what it is.

A howl rings through the air and Taehyung stops. He's stiff as he tries to pinpoint where the sound came from. It sounded to close for him to relax. The sun's almost disappeared now and he's now where close to safety.

The scent of blood hits him and he moves towards the source. His curiosity should not be a priority at the moment, but he's still starving and the scent may lead him to a shelter. It's the best he has.

When he sees the lynx, it's already lunging for him. Taehyung is quick enough to dodge out of the way, but he still sees the lynx as it's grabbed by a wolf's jaws. The wolf is massive, almost four times the size of Taehyung, and Taehyung recognizes him a werewolf. Taehyung can only watch as the cat-like creature's neck is viciously broken by the powerful bite.

Taehyung only startles when he hears footsteps running towards him and the werewolf's eyes land on him. He darts under the brush to hide, but he finds that he can't run anywhere from there. He crouches down and prays the werewolf and the newcomer leave him be.

"Nice one," someone says breathlessly. Taehyung can just make out the humanoid form that has stopped by the wolf's side. He reaches out to stroke the wolf's ear but he notices the animal's gaze is still on where Taehyung vanished.

The humanoid crouches to peer under the foliage and Taehyung sees his face. He looks kind, almost angelic, with soft features and neat hair. He looks like he's been running, probably cashing the wolf and their prey. He holds a crossbow and has knives and guns on his belt. When he sees Taehyung, he smiles.

"Ah, a fox shifter?" he asks the wolf. The wolf lets out a huff of affirmation. Taehyung's tail twitches as the humanoid looks at him. "I hope we didn't startle you."

Taehyung is a little perplexed, and not only because he isn't used to hearing human language. The humanoid is being friendly. He's never greeted by friendliness.

"Would you like to come out?" the humanoid asks. "We have food at our shelter. It isn't too far."

Taehyung doesn't move. Not even a little. He can't be sure that he won't be treated as prey if he steps out. The werewolf still has the dead lynx in his jaws as he stands beside the humanoid. His eyes are narrowed as he watches Taehyung, slightly less friendly but perhaps it's because of his form.

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