Different is Good

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Supernatural AU! 

Bangtan as a group of fantasy creatures including natural tension between Vampire Jungkook and Werewolf Taehyung. Vkook featuring some Yoonseok at the end.

Rated X (It gets sexual)

When Taehyung was asked to be apart of a "mixed music group" he wasn't expecting this. Of course everything was explained more clearly before he signed on, but it still hadn't sunken in. Not until the group was finally meeting for the first time.

The boys in front of Taehyung are attractive and close in age. The similarities stop there. Taehyung can smell their opposite personalities and he begins to wonder if this will ever work out. A werewolf, a vampire, a warlock, a siren, a fairy, a necromancer, and an elf all in the same k-pop group? They wouldn't last a week.

"So, um, hi," Taehyung begins nervously. His deep voice throws the others internally. Taehyung is the secondest youngest and his looks certainly don't match his vocals, but being a werewolf will do that.

"Hi," the elf, Hoseok, says. Even he, as bright and cheery as he is normally, feels awkward sitting around with the strangers he was supposed to form deep bonds with. The managers had introduced everyone, insisted they get along, and left it all incredibly awkward.

"We already said that," Yoongi reminds them. The necromancer rubbed Taehyung the wrong way the second he entered the room. He thinks it's his constantly blank expression.

"Any conversation starters?" Jimin asks. The siren's voice is alluring even without Jimin adding any power behind it. Taehyung doesn't realize he leans slightly closer.

"Hobbies?" Jin suggests. The fairy's light pink hair fell into his eyes as he shrugs. "I like cooking."

"Running." Taehyung always felt more at peace with himself when he ran. He catches Jungkook roll his eyes. The vampire expected the werewolf's answer and is unimpressed.

"Overwatch," Jungkook says himself. The vampire found the game to keep him occupied during the long sleepless nights.

"Shopping," Hoseok says.

"I just sing," Jimin replies.

"I'm an internet surfer." Namjoon forces a laugh as he answers. The warlock is supposed to be in charge but hell it's difficult in front of these six. He doesn't know a single one of them or how to handle them.

"Do we have to go through the icebreakers?" Yoongi says, casually failing to answer. The only emotion he shows is a with a slight frown at the edge of his lips. "Shouldn't we just cut to it? I don't like small talk or bullshit."

"What would you rather discuss?" Jungkook asks, slightly annoyed. "Politics?"

"I think we should talk about what will make it easier for us to get along," Yoongi explains.

"You're right," Namjoon says. "There's a lot of tension, but we can make that less if we talk."

"I'll start," Jungkook says. "Taehyung-ssi, I can smell your anxiety."

"That's not what I meant," Namjoon sighs.

"Sorry." Taehyung feels his cheeks flush. "I'm usually only around other werewolves."

"Most of us aren't used to... diversity. I'm only with humans," Hoseok adds. He fiddles with the point of his ear, the only physical sign of his elvishness. "I guess that's why they wanted a group like this in the first place."

"This is all to serious for me," Jimin sighs. "I prefer it laid back."

"And I prefer not being the only vampire in a room," Jungkook says. His eyes linger over Taehyung for a split second. "We all have to get over something to make this work."

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