Soft Sheets

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Omega!Namjoon is the softest
Rated PG

"Hyung?" Namjoon says softly into Jin and Yoongi's room. It has to be past two a.m. but Namjoon hopes one of them might wake up. Okay... maybe not Yoongi because he'll make Namjoon sleep outside for disturbing him.

"Joonie?" Jin says just as quiet. Namjoon moves to Jin's side of the room with a slight scurry. "What time is it?"

"Late," Namjoon answers simply. "Taehyung is keeping me again."

"So tell him to go sleep," Jin grumbles. He never hesitates to tell the maknaes off when they're misbehaving, but Namjoon is a little softer for the youngest members.

"I did," Namjoon says. Taehyung doesn't always realize how late it is when he's immersed in a game, nor does he realize how loud he can be. "I'd ignore it but I haven't slept well in three days."

Jin groans as he rolls onto his back. There's a moment where nothing is said before Jin pats the mattress.

"Come on," the older says with a sigh of surrender. He shifts to one side as Namjoon crawls into bed next to him.

"Thank you hyung," Namjoon says as pulls up the covers to his chest. Jin had been the first one to court Namjoon, even if Yoongi won't let anyone forget that the eldest had only beaten him by a few hours. Taehyung likes to add that he started the next day.

It was a lot of attention for the omega. Namjoon was used to being told he wasn't the right type of omega, and that he'd be lucky if anyone was ever interested. He was too tall, to muscular, thought too much, and didn't look cute enough. He had accepted that he would never be the omega that most people wanted a long time ago, but he wasn't going to change.

Namjoon had started courting Hoseok three months into their second year of university. He'd offered the fellow omega a small bag, that is now affectionately referred to as the acorn pouch, and they started courting. It wasn't unheard of for two omegas to court, but it was less common than alphas courting omegas. Namjoon didn't care and neither did Hoseok. They liked each other. That's all that mattered.

Namjoon was surprised when an alpha like Jin offered him a courting gift two months after he started dating Hoseok. The older was, and still is, the most beautiful person Namjoon had ever seen. Not many alphas could dream of having such godly body proportions and a face from the heavens, but Jin was a lucky bastard. And he wanted Namjoon. His courting gift was a cheesy necklace with a bright red and cartoonish heart on a long chain. Namjoon had laughed when he saw it, just like Jin intended. The alpha had said it would be a reminder of his big heart as he draped it over the omega's shoulders.

The rest of that day had Namjoon smiling. He never expected Yoongi to stop him after their last seminar and offer him a ring. Namjoon's jaw was on the floor as he stared at the large black gem set in a wide band. Yoongi had worried the omega didn't like it, even though he was sure it suited the omega's style. When Namjoon explained that Jin had given him the necklace he was still wearing, Yoongi had chuckled and said he was willing to compete with their hyung if he had to. Namjoon would've loved to see the two alphas fight over him (who wouldn't), but Namjoon quickly assured him it wasn't necessary.

The next day, Taehyung had waited outside Namjoon's lecture hall to give him a dragonfly necklace as a courting gift. Namjoon had nearly lost it. Surely his friends were pranking him now? Taehyung had pouted when he realized Seokjin and Yoongi had beat him. He tried not to cause a big scene, but he couldn't help and say "Hyung, I wanted to be the first one to court you." All Namjoon's friends new he and Hoseok were dating, but Namjoon had courted Hoseok. Who was first at courting him didn't make any difference to Namjoon.

And suddenly Namjoon was dating four of his closest friends.

Jimin and Jungkook had approached Namjoon together. The two betas were unsure if Namjoon would accept two more courters, but they had to try. They presented him with ryan plushies and a bonsai tree. Namjoon started crying right then and there. There was no way he deserved all of this love affection. He was just little old Namjoon. An omega that was nothing special. It took all six of his boyfriends to assure Namjoon that he was the most amazing person in all of their lives.

"Hey hyung?" Namjoon whispers. Jin shifts in the bed to look at the omega and makes a sound of acknowledgment. "Why did you decide to court me?"

It seems like that was ages ago, when in fact it's only been two years. All seven them have already moved in together and both Jin and Yoongi had graduated. It feels right to all of them. Like they were always meant to end up here.

"What kind of question is that?" Jin huffs. He pulls Namjoon closer and nuzzles his neck.

"Please just tell me again." The omega sighs as the alpha's warm breath grazes past his skin.

"Okay." Jin hums for a moment. "First of all, you're beautiful. Tall, handsome, and dimples for days. I always noticed that. But when you started courting Hoseok it was different. You were so happy and smiley when he was around. I wanted to make you happy like that too."

"Why me though?"

"You're big heart and sexy brain."

Namjoon chuckles softly. "So eloquently put."

"Give me a break. It's the middle of the night," Jin grumbles. The alpha wraps his arm around Namjoon affectionately. Namjoon may be taller than Seokjin, but the alpha always manages to make him feel small.

"I love you," Namjoon confesses softly.

"I love you too," Jin murmurs whole heartedly. "Now go to bed."

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