the water and stars

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Yoongi pauses as he reaches the edge of the small dock, gripping the bag in his hand tightly. It's a familiar place where the waves reach the shore and crash upwards like their reaching for the sky and its freedom. If only it were his and not a public place.

Yoongi sighs and sits on the edge, letting his bare feet dip into the water. The dock isn't very high lucky. He just has to wait now. It's the middle of the night but the air is hot and humid around him. The full moon has a background of stars across the blanket of black. Truthfully, Yoongi can't tell where the skyline ends and the water begins, and it's even more beautiful because of it.

The waves come a few inches above Yoongi's knees. His legs seem to disappear entirely in the black water, but it isn't unnerving. It never has been. Yoongi lays down so his back rests against the hard wood of the dock. Just waiting. Like he alway does.

"Hey," a gently voice greets. The sound of it makes Yoongi smile softly. He sits back up quickly to see Jimin with his elbows propping him on the dock. His torso is partially out of the water, the rest still submerged in the warm water. Water drips from Jimin's hair and onto the wood, they seem to glow white with the moonlight. The water rolls from his cheekbones and nose as well, and his eyes lighting up at the sight of Yoongi. The older takes in his beauty for a moment. Breathtaking as always.

"Hi Jiminie," Yoongi finally says. He looks at his watch, barely able to make out the time. "You're twenty minutes late."

"I'm sorry hyung," Jimin sighs. He trails his fingers along Yoongi's bare legs down to the surface of the water. Yoongi doesn't mind the touch. "I just... I like when I get the chance to swim out here."

"I know you do." Yoongi cups Jimin's cheek. "I promise you I'll get us our own place by the water someday. Then you can swim whenever you want. Not just in the middle of the night when no one's around."

Jimin smiles at the idea. "And we'll get you a little boat so you can follow me."

"You just want to tip me, don't you?" Yoongi chuckles. Jimin laughs softly at the notion. "But that'll be nice. I won't have to wait on this dock for you forever."

"Thank you for waiting," Jimin says. He hoists himself a little higher on his elbows. "Did you bring burgers?"

"You bet I did." Yoongi reaches for the bag he set beside him, shaking it for effect.

"You're the best," Jimin says. "Help me up?"

Jimin is probably strong enough to get out of the water himself, but he likes when Yoongi helps him anyway. Yoongi offers one hand. Jimin takes it and grips the edge with the other. Yoongi uses all his strength to help pull Jimin up high enough so that he can turn and sit on the dock beside him.

Yoongi has to stare. Jimin's bare, tan chest reflects the moonlight perfectly. His strong back has shadows cast down it that make him look that much more muscular. And his lower half is always amazing. The long, fish-like tail that replaces his legs when he submerges himself makes Yoongi swoon over him. The scales are blue-green in the right light, but now they look darker even with the moon out. The bottom half of Jimin's tail is still underneath the water, keeping him from turning back to his human form, but Jimin always likes being in this form more anyway. Yoongi likes it too.

"What?" Jimin asks when he catches Yoongi staring.

"Nothing," Yoongi shakes his head. "You're just so beautiful."

"Kiss ass." Jimin shoves his shoulder, hoping the night hides his blush. "Just feed me. Swimming is exhausting."

"Yeah yeah," Yoongi replies. He takes the towel still over his shoulder and uses it to start drying Jimin's upper half. Soggy burgers aren't exactly ideal. Yoongi's hands linger longer than they need to, but he can't help it. When he reaches Jimin's hair, he rustles it much like he would if drying a dog. Jimin gives a half hearted protest but lets Yoongi continue anyway. Yoongi finally finishes and unwraps a burger for Jimin. They surprisingly aren't cold yet.

"I love you so much right now," Jimin says. He snatches the burger and takes a bite. Yoongi presses a brief kiss to the shell of Jimin's ear.

"I love you too."

Shouting in the distance draws both their attention. They look in the direction of the noise but Yoongi sees nothing.

"What was that?" Yoongi asks.

"It looks like a party of skinny dipping," Jimin says. His eyes have always been better, even on land.

"We should go then," Yoongi says. He doesn't make a move to leave though. Jimin gets these opportunities so rarely Yoongi feels bad every time they have to leave. Jimin is not human but he is forced to live a human life every time he steps out of the water. It breaks Yoongi's heart.

Jimin is the one who hauls his tail up onto the dock and covers himself with the towel. It takes a brief moment for his tail to split into legs. He sighs and leans against Yoongi, still nibbling on his burger.

"Let's go home."


Yoongi is ecstatic. The plumber leaves he and Jimin's home just on time. Yoongi had installed a hot tub in their bathroom for Jimin. The merman can shower without sprouting a tail, but their bathtub was too small for his mer-form anyway. But as his birthday gift, Yoongi has brought some of the water to Jimin.

The jingle of keys makes Yoongi smile. "Hyung. I'm home."

Jimin sounds exhausted which makes Yoongi even more excited to show him his surprise.

"I have your present for you," Yoongi says. Jimin looks at him suspiciously. His boyfriend very rarely gets so hyped for anything. "Come on."

Yoongi jumps up and drags Jimin towards their room. He demands the younger close his eyes and opens the bathroom door. He carefully helps Jimin step into the bathroom and steps back.

"Okay. Open your eyes."

Jimin gasps . The tub is filled with warm water and beautiful seashells are positioned around the edges to remind him of the sea. It will certainly be big enough for his mer-form. He can't help the tears that fall from his eyes.

"Oh my god hyung," Jimin says. He jumps into Yoongi's arms and wraps himself around Yoongi's torso. "It's perfect."

"Wanna try it out now?" Yoongi asks. "It might help you relax."

"Only if you get in with me," Jimin says. His grin has yet to fade because this means the world to him. At least he has a space to safely transform at home even if he can't really swim.

In two minutes Jimin is sitting in the tub contently, his entire tail happily submerged. He couldn't straighten it out completely but he didn't mind much.

"You're turn," Jimin says to Yoongi. The older is still staring at Jimin. He looks so stunning and so happy. Yoongi has to smile.

"Okay." Yoongi strips down and begins to settle in the tub. Normal couples might settle in between each others legs, but they have to make small changes. Jimin worries he might crush Yoongi is the older were to sit behind him, but luckily there is enough room for Yoongi to sit beside Jimin. He feels Jimin's scales against his leg and he can't help but run his fingers up his tail and torso. He's gone in the water with Jimin before, but they couldn't be this close or relaxed. This tub may be the best idea Yoongi's ever had.

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