Tongue Technology

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When Namjoon walks in on Yoongi and Hoseok and the pair decides not to let him get away so easy.

Rated X (It's basically just smut. I'm not even sorry. There isn't enough of the rapline together)

Namjoon pants heavily as he steps off stage. His legs are tired and his throat is sore but he hardly notices. The adrenaline is still strong in his veins and the screams echo through his head. Performing always did something Namjoon. It gave him life. On stage he is reminded of why he puts himself through sleepless nights and hours of work. It is all for the fans that he loves so much.

Someone offers Namjoon water and he bows in thanks. He brushes his hair back and chugs it as he makes his way back to the dressing room. The other members are already there, still hyped up from the performance as well.

"Joonie!" Hoseok yells, drawing out the last vowel. He throws an arm around Namjoon's shoulder, making Namjoon laugh. "You did great."

"Thanks Hobi." Namjoon can't help but act shy from Hoseok's compliment. "You were great too."

"Let's hurry so we can go celebrate," Jungkook orders his hyungs. His definition of celebrate of course being drinking banana milk and playing uno until the exhaustion kicks in. It's what they usually do after all.

Jin instantly slows down his pace of changing and the maknae swats him. Namjoon can't help but laugh, but he notices hesitation on Yoongi's face. Namjoon assumes it's because he wants to go the hotel and sleep until they have to leave for their next event. The expression disappears quickly and Namjoon lets it slip from his mind.

Taehyung is just as excited to head back and encourages the others to strip quickly. Their celebrations may not be as common as other kinds, like sex and drugs and drinking for instance, but it's what they'd rather be doing in the end. They've always preferred spending time together than anything else.

Jimin is still buttoning his shirt when Jungkook shoves him out the door. Jungkook puts Jin's shirt on for him and calls for the others not to take too much longer. Namjoon ties his shoes and takes off after them while Yoongi hasn't even started changing.

Five of the members have piled in the van waiting for Yoongi and Hoseok. Namjoon reaches for phone so he can stream for armies, but quickly realizes it's missing.

"I'll be right back," Namjoon announces.

"Tell Suga and J-hope to hurry!" Jungkook says as the van shuts. Namjoon jogs back to the dressing room and enters without much thought.

Namjoon freezes in his tracks as the door falls closed behind him. He had expected to find Yoongi and Hoseok, but not in the middle of something like this. Yoongi's on his knees in front of Hoseok, the younger's cock deep in the elder's throat. From where Namjoon stands, he has a clear view of Hoseok's face and the hand he has in Yoongi's hair. The rhythmic bobbing of Yoongi's head makes his stomach twist.

Namjoon is too shocked to move or to say anything. How did he not know Yoongi and Hoseok were together? He's the leader! He didn't even know Hoseok was into guys!

A low moan from Hoseok is abruptly cut off when he opens his eyes and sees Namjoon standing there. "Oh my god!" Hoseok shouts. He pulls Yoongi off of him and quickly tries to hide himself. Yoongi spins around to see what has Hoseok freaked out.

"Joonie!" Yoongi exclaims. He coughs when his voice comes out scratchy.

"Um," Namjoon states. He feels like he should say something, anything, but he's still trying to process what he just walked in on. All that comes out of his mouth is, "Phone..."

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