Chapter one: On The Road Again.

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Chapter one: On The Road Again.

We were alone on this road ahead, yet again and we had been running. That was all we seemed to do nowadays and to be honest, I just wanted a nice hot shower and a delicious, juicy steak but that just seemed near impossible. We never seemed to be going anywhere anymore, just around in circles.

Was this what God had planned for when the world turned into shit? I guess so.

The best thing we could do right now was to survive and I was doing that with the one I loved. Maggie Greene was her name, a beautiful ginger with a glowing smile and amazing blue eyes. We had survived together for a very long time, I've just lost count of the days. It was just too pointless. We had lost people along the way and now it was just us, on a journey ahead.

There would be blood and death ahead of us but we had already prepared for the worst and trust me, the worst was yet to come. I first met Maggie on her father's farm when we were in a difficult situation and she was willing to help me and my group of people. That was when I knew I was in love. I was so scared of losing her, that was why I had to protect her and she would protect me.

"Glenn?" She said.

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I looked to her as we travelled along this railway near the forest.

"It's going to be dark soon." She mentioned.

I looked up to the sky and she was right, it was getting darker by the minute. It was way too dangerous out in the open at night.

"We have to keep moving until we find shelter." I said.

She agreed. "Have some water, you look drained." I nodded and took the bottle from her, sipped a little and handed it back to her. Supplies were dry these days, so we had to save whatever we could until we could find some more.

"Up ahead, is that a house?" Maggie pointed as we came to the end of the railway tracks and near the city. We saw a small looking house. It was quiet, there weren't any walkers anywhere to be seen.

"Let's check it out." I said as we carried our backpacks to the house. We walked to the front door and I opened it slightly, making it creek. I had my gun in my hand, ready to be fired.

I opened the door more as we entered the house. Maggie held her knife ready to use it. I made a whistling sound to see if any walkers were to be seen. We then got a fright from a moan coming from the kitchen. It dragged itself and appeared right in front of us. The corpse was an old lady covered in blood and guts.

"Got it." Maggie said, plunging the knife into its skull.

Blood went all over the floor as it crashed onto the ground. Maggie jumped out of the way, taking her knife back. "You don't really want to fire your gun when a whole heard of walkers could hear it." She laughed.

"Yeah, I forgot the world came to an end." I smiled. I helped her move it outside and we closed the door behind us. "I think it's all clear." I said and Maggie nodded.

I nailed the door shut and the windows apart from the back door, we needed an escape root. We then got a few candles lit. The couches were filled with dust but we made use of it. We got our blankets out from our bags as night began to fall. It was a big enough couch so we laid on it together.

I was so drained that I fell asleep straight away.

"Night." I hear d Maggie say as she kissed my cheek, turning over.

"Night." I smiled and falling into a world of dreams, hoping that I would wake up the next morning alive.


The sunlight shined into my eyes and I was suddenly awoken by it. I moaned as it felt too early for me. I felt that Maggie was no longer beside me.

"Mags?" I shouted. She always scared me when she left unexpectedly. Anything could happen.

"In here!" She replied and I sighed with relief. "Want some cereal but without the milk?" She asked me, entering the living room.

"Did you find some?" I asked, not remembering if we had cereal in our backpack.

"Yeah, it was in the pantry," she said, "you want some then?" I nodded, sitting up on the couch. She came in and sat on the couch while handing me some cereal in a bowl with a spoon and she had the same. We started eating. "Are we going to stay?" She asked.

I shrugged, finishing a mouthful of dry cereal, but hey, I was not complaining. "I know you probably think it's stupid but I would like to try and find Beth." She said in sadness.

I knew that was a one in a million chance. "I would love to say that it's easy," I paused, "but we don't even know if Beth or the others are alive." I said, finishing my cereal and she did the same.

"I know but, there is a chance, she could be with Daryl or Rick." She said, feeling happier.

"I don't know, sorry." I said, feeling bad for her.

Beth, Maggie's half sister, were very close and when they got separated from our group back at the prison, it was hard for her. Maggie and I found each other luckily but we didn't know if anyone made it out alive and it was a huge chance that we may never see them again.

She sighed in sadness, taking both of our plates to the kitchen. "Glenn!" She shouted, sounding worried.

I hurried into the kitchen and looked out the window. We saw a whole heard of walkers coming this way, tripping over each other while moaning for food.

"We gotta go." I said as I rushed out to collect our supplies as Maggie helped me. "We will leave out the back." I suggested.

"There's about a hundred of them out there." She said in a rush.

"Then we have to hurry." I said.

We grabbed our weapons and put our backpacks on our backs and left out the back door, luckily we didn't bolt it up. I opened the door with Maggie behind me as we moved past the fences and we were on our way to the city. That could be a big mistake.


Hey, readers!

This is the second story of the Fighting Walkers series, I hope you enjoy Glenn and Maggie's journey!

The first story, if you haven't read it already is on my page but I'll put a link in the comments anyway. You don't need to read them in order to understand the whole series.

Vote and comment your thoughts!

Thank you!
Much love, Sarah!

Fighting Walkers - With Love (The Walking Dead, Series two, Maggie & Glenn) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now