angelic wakings

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I'm in a bright room, too bright for my liking. For all I even know it might not be a room. All I see is white. It reminds me of the hospital I was just recently in yesterday. I shudder at the thought of knowing that's where I found out what happened to mother. I shake my head clearing all the negative thoughts and concentrating on where I am. 

Sections of the walls start to change. Shaping into some different type of scenery. trees appear on most of the walls. I recognize them as the trees from the front yard of the orphanage. That I had once been observing on my way in. The shape of the orphanage slowly starts forming too. And then I'm in the middle of the driveway. I feel the wind whistle beneath me. I scratch my head wondering how the hell I got here. 

Suddenly, Luke appears at the doorway of the main entrance. Two wealthy looking people are standing behind him. And Desiree is at the very back of the group. I take a moment to look at each of them. Luke is ecstatic. His smile is stretching from ear to ear. He looks generally happy. The woman from the unknown couple is the same. I can't help but notice how beautiful she is. Her wavy blonde hair swinging through the wind. Revealing her earthly green eyes that shape and illuminate her slim face. Red cheekbones, full lips, perfection. She reminds me of my mother in a way. Not the way she looks but the way her beauty acts. It spreads to others and makes them feel so loved. I cringe. The other unknown man is quite good looking too. For a man. He has jet black hair and brown eyes. He's what I would call an average looking man. He looks even more happier than all of them combined. I wonder why. They emerge from the building happily. Moving towards a silver car. It was definitely a pricey car. And it was definitely owned by the perfect couple that were walking next to Luke.

Wait. Why are they all walking to the car? Why is Luke even with these people? I'm so confused. The last time I saw Luke he was crying. And so was I. What is even happening. 

Then it clicks. We live in an orphanage. He's getting adopted! no no no. this can't happen. This cannot happen. Luke is all I have left of my sanity. I cannot lose him too. 

I run after them. Screaming for their attention. "Luke!" I yell. He opens the back door to their overpriced convert able. "No Luke!" I scream even louder. He remains silent. Dropping into the backseat pf the car with a huge smile plastered on his face. Tears stream down my face as I drop to the floor losing energy. The car roars and comes to life. "Luke" I whisper. Barely any sound behind my words. "come back." The car is now out of sight. 

I cry looking around me for help. There's no one. The wind disappears. Leaving me colder than when it was present. The trees start to fade. Turning to grey, then to white. The ground beneath me does the same and I'm left alone with no...

I wake up immediately. Watered cheeks and cold arms. It was just a dream. Thank god. I feel an arm wrapped protectively around my waist. I know it's Luke. His muffled snoring is the only sound I hear. It calms me. I turn around carefully in his arms. Now facing him I examine his angelic face. Tracing each detail over and over again with my fingertips. As if I was blind and I need to feel him to remember him. I memorize the features of his face while his breathing becomes rugged. I know he's about to wake up. I instantly freak out and turn back around. moving slightly further away so he doesn't think i'm weird. 

I feel him wake from behind me. His morning breath tickles the back of my neck and I close my eyes not wanting to freak out. His hand tightens and grabs my waist. Pulling me back to his chest in the process. I feel his face on the back of my head. His beauty inhaling the scent of my hair. I smile and pretend to be lightly snoring. Wanting him to think I'm asleep. I "accidentally" move my hand on top of his on my waist. Wanting to feel his hands because i'm weird like that. His hands are soft. Well what I can feel of them that is. I sit there silently for a few seconds when his fingers move. Intertwining with mine. I start hyperventilating and dying on the inside. This boy is so perfect. Oh my goodness we are holding hands. I hope he does think I am asleep....


Hey guys! sorry for the shortish chapter. But it's the holidays here in new zealand and of course i'm a bit busy. Ly all and have a nice day. You're all beautiful. xx


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