Dancing trees

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After our moment on the roof we became inseparable. We met every night to watch the stars and talk. I still wasn't let out of my room and it had been fourteen days. They did however leave food at my door so I wouldn't starve to death. I guess they just couldn't handle all the staring that the kids did when I was around. Or they were just pessimists. I settled with the second option.

It is now a Friday night and Fridays are supposed to be fun right? so Luke has something prepared for our daily meeting today. I honestly have no idea what, but I am definitely keen to find out. The sun is close to setting now. I pull a jumper over my head and head for the back window. Waiting for Luke to knock like always.

Within seconds he was at the glass. Opening it and latching onto my cold, thin hands. Once we were both on the roof I sat down carefully. I have been waiting for this all day. I better get comfy. " What are you doing Cass?" He asked. "I said something fun, not sitting on the roof like always jeez." He bit his bottom lip making my heart flutter. Oh those lips, so luscious, so plump, so perfect. I noticed that I was starting to stare really badly and stopped straight away. "What are we doing then oh gloriously fun Luke."  He just grinned and turned his back to me. Moving slowly to the other side of the roof. Once he was on the other side he moved his body sideways. So he was hanging off the edge. I freaked out and started moving fast to where he was. His hands were the only thing I could see now. Holding tightly onto the side of the roof. Then, his hands disappeared. I crawled as fast as I could to where he was. Tears starting to form in my eyes. They soon dried up when I saw Luke still alive and just at the tip of the building. His body latched onto a huge trellis that's stuck to the concrete walls. I exhaled knowing he was fine, then wondered why the hell he was climbing down the side of the orphanage. 

He moved his head so he was facing me. His blue orbs capturing me and nearly making me fall off the edge. "you coming Cass?" He questioned. I slowly nodded. I've never climbed down the side of a roof but I'm with Luke. And for Luke i'd do anything. I pushed my legs over the edge, turning my body clockwise and slowly lowering my body off the ancient roof. I must have done it wrong because I was now hanging with one hand on the trellis and one hand flying around in mid air. Typical me. Within seconds I felt a hand wrap around my waist. Luke pulled me back into place and steadied me. We were now so close I could feel him breathing on my hair. He sounded like he was breathing heavily. I froze and waited for him to respond. instead, he carried on making his way down to the ground. I followed. Jumping to the ground with so much force. I've never been so happy to feel the ground beneath me. I dropped and kissed it. Earning an amused laugh from Luke's direction. 

Once I recovered I stood up. Noticing Luke was no longer where he was a minute ago. I searched the backyard. Looking frantically for him. Stupid me. Always wrecking everything. He probably ran away noticing that I'm a weirdo that kisses the ground like it's a normal thing to do. wouldn't that be nice...where is he? I wondered, looking more and more around. He wasn't anywhere to be seen. He wasn't in the bushes, the back doorstep, the field, or even the trees. I then remembered what the worker said to him the first day I arrived. He was growling Luke for leaving the property. That's where he is. He's got to be there. I ran towards the furthest part of the backyard. Seeing a run down wooden fence there. I slip through the middle of the fence to be greeted with more grass on the other side. I let out a ragged breath before dashing further away from the orphanage. I spot Luke at the end of the field on a dark patch of grass. He's peering at me with a smile. He's so mischievous. He knew I would of gone looking for him and he knew That I found out he was here. He stayed still though. As if waiting for me to reach him. I leap from my playful stance and run towards him. 

I feel free. I start running faster.The sky illuminating everything. I feel brave. Even more faster. I see beauty within everything. I feel courageous. Even more faster.I feel the beauty being shadowed by darkness. I feel blurry? too fast. My eyesight fades and the last thing I see is Luke. Worry all over his face as he runs towards me. He gets closer and my surroundings fade. He almost reaches me and then he's gone. I see black. I feel nothing.

I wake to see trees. Their branches swaying in the wind. Telling me to be afraid. My head cries out in pain. I pull my fingers behind. Grazing them over a now bleeding wound that is on the back of my head. That must be what knocked me out. I move me head to the side and see Luke. His eyes are closed. He is not awake. He is bleeding too. I move my gaze even more. Noticing that he is being dragged by a large hooded figure. " wake up Luke." I whisper. Barely any energy coarsing within my veins. " I need you." I whisper even quieter than before. He remains still. A tear trickles down my cheek and I look away. Not wanting to assume the worst. He can't be dead. I wish I could move. Then I would be able to touch his delicate chest. Checking for his overpowering heartbeat. I try to move but feel a strong hand wrap further around the back of my now ripped jumper. I'm being dragged too. We are both being dragged by unknown people. Could my life get any worse right now. I then notice where we are. We're in the backyard of the orphanage. Why would these people be taking us back to the orphanage. Then it dawns on me. It's the workers. they've caught us. And they most certainly aren't happy.

They drag us further and stop at the back door of the living hell. behind the door we are greeted by a very furious looking Desiree. I definitely know she is not nice at all now. She's actually far from it. I make eye contact with her and she growls. She actually just growled. Talk about manly. We are then pulled even more inside and thrown on the ground by a dirty wall. I can see how it looks bad. A girl who was supposed to be locked in her bedroom and a boy who constantly breaks the rules being found outside the grounds. But they take everything too seriously. Hurting us wasn't necessary. I then remember Luke is injured and unconscious. I scuttle towards him and grab him tightly. feeling his heartbeat causing me to feel relieved. I then feel Desiree grab me and pull me even more far away from Luke then I was before. She slaps me hard on the face. I feel every inch of her hand and take in the impact. Well that hurt." I will deal with you later, you little bitch." she hisses. I shake at her profanity. 

She snaps her fingers together summoning one of the workers that caught us. He has a rough appearance. I don't have much time to worry about that because I am suddenly swept off my feet. Being carried up the stairs back to my bedroom. I beat my small hands against his back. Beckoning for him to let me go. He doesn't flinch. He doesn't do anything accept for throw me on my bed, turn around and leave. I pull my legs up to my chin and cry. Worrying about where Luke is now and what is happening to him. I believe in you Luke. You will be alright.


Well, that's another update for this book! xx Please vote! and comment what you think about this book so far. I love you all .have an awesome day!


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