New reflections

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It's still dark. It has been for the past couple of days. And if I'm right tomorrow I am free. I can't wait. It smells in here and the tight compact space is killing me. But most of all, I want to see if Cass is alright. I know it's weird that i'm so worried about her but I just can't help it. Too bad she doesn't feel as strong for me as I do for her. 

I count each silent moment. Tapping my fingertips slowly on the wooden walls. I scrape against a rough part, causing my finger to bleed. I dismiss all emotion and keep tapping the walls. I hope I don't go crazy. 


The days have passed after my moment in the dining hall. I don't really know what to do. It's so boring. There's nothing fun, nothing to keep me occupied. The sun drifted away about an hour ago. The stars begin to appear as I make my way onto the roof for the first time without Luke. I nearly stumble as well because I don't have his hand to hold onto. Gripping onto the edge of the back window I make my way further outside. 

The wind picks up but I resist the urge to go back inside. If I stay in there any longer i'm bound to go crazy. So I lie down. Feet close to the edge and head facing upwards, towards the doubtful sky. My eyelids naturally close shut and my arms rise. Making me move into a more comfortable position. Then I drift. 

My eyelids open to find myself staring into Luke's beautiful eyes. They're definitely his eyes. But when I move to examine his whole face I find it looks different. It certainly looks like Luke's face, but much, much older. Late teenager old. What the? I think i've gone crazy. I could have sworn the last time I saw him he was my age. And I'm only 13. I don't even know what is happening. 

"Hey Cass? you alright? you sort of drifted off while I was talking to you... as I was saying guess who I saw today? Samantha. I can't even believe that she would show her face around town after what happened. Hey wait. Are you listening?" 

That was Luke speaking. His voice was deeper. It sounded really good. But I shouldn't be thinking that. I should be wondering why he isn't freaking out either. I am a 13 year old girl and he looks around 18. Why is he speaking to me like this. And who is Samantha? 

We are currently walking down a main street of some town. The town looks familiar but I can't seem to figure it out. There are shiny cars surrounding me. And in Luke's hand is some type of device. It's in the shape of a thin brick slab. It's shiny as well. What the freak is happening right now? The last I knew I was on the roof of the orphanage... 

I freeze when I look into the window of a store we are walking past. There is a beautiful girl standing in the reflection. She has similar features as me. Brown hair, Brown eyes. The same looking body shape, But she looked the same age as the Luke I was with. 

I looked behind and around me to see if I could find this girl lurking around. Disappointed I make my way to the window, hoping she will be inside the building and proving that I'm not crazy. I place my hand on the window. Feeling the reflection. The girl on the other side does the same actions as me. Surprised I move my hand to the left, she follows my movements. I move to the right, she follows me once again. Then it clicks.

That is my reflection. Hands shaking I move them upwards. Putting them onto the girls.. my cheeks. This cannot be me. I am not this beautiful. I am not like this. I am just a little girl. While looking in the window I spot a confused older Luke behind me. His body turned slightly facing towards me. Eyebrows furrowed wondering what the hell i'm doing. 

As I turn to face him I collide with another store window. How did that get there? Where has Luke disappeared to? I turn once again, in a different direction this time. Another window. Frustrated I move in the last direction. Coming face to face with nothing but a white wall. Okay I am definitely going crazy now! 

White surrounds me. This is just like the last dream I had. I can only hope this just a dream. I open my mouth, releasing a loud, rumbling scream. Closing my eyes wishing for someone, anyone to just help me. 

I lean forward with my eyes still closed. I have stopped screaming now. A light breeze escapes the silence, making me open my eyes wondering if it is all over. I am then greeted with the unpleasant sight of me falling forward. I am still on the roof but I am arched towards the ground.

I try to nail my hands into the outskirts of the top of the roof. But have no luck. I tumble off the side. Hands clenching the corners of the roof. The only part of my body holding me up. I scream once more in pain but no one hears me. No one rushes to save me, and nobody wakes.

My legs swing throughout mid air. kicking to find support. My hands are sweaty and barely holding on, and the ground is so far away. I try to think happy thoughts and grip on as hard as I can. My body won't hold on much longer though. And there is no way I can pull myself up. 

I look around the backyard spotting 'the box' in the far end. Luke is in there, I scream again.


I am woken by a high pitched scream. It sounds familiar. Like I had heard it recently. It's Cass. Panicking I rake my fingers into the walls. Wanting to break them down and save her form what's happening. I kick with my feet now and use my whole body to hit the walls. They don't budge.

I cry in pain as My body gets weak. I cannot help her. I groan and slam my body down the wall onto the floor. My body drenched in sorrow and sweat as I hear yet another scream.  I cannot help her.


Nothing, still nothing. My body is now hanging by my fingertips. My thoughts can't save me. Neither can my body. I stay silent. Breathing in the air. This is how I am going to die. I hear the cries of animals and the whispers of the dancing trees I know all to well. Then it happens. My fingers lose grip, and I drop.


So I felt like doing a chapter so I just made one! I hope you all like it. keep updated with the book to see if she survives, Have a good day and please vote! xx


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