staircase stares

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I am summoned to the dining room, like all the others. I am obeying, like the others. I'm not hungry, unlike the others. I stare at my plate. Food. Nothing. People. Nothing. Air. Nothing. Humanity. Nothing. 

It's been another week. She has not returned. I think she is dead. I think Cass is dead. No. My mind and my everything is confused. But I am always the slightest bit hopeful. I mean, not much people survive falling off a building like this. But there is always that chance that she did. 

She's a fighter. And if I ever had the same qualities as she inhabits I would have made her mine already. My infant mind has not yet experienced the greater years of teen-hood. But I feel, that my affections and wishes towards her wouldn't change given any age I will travel to in the future.

Children on either side of me stare. Gravy dribbles down their cheeks. Plates half empty, half full. The sight makes me cringe. Standing I begin to walk. I need to sneak out of here to my room. I can't be around anyone with such a confused perspective. 

Only few look in my direction as I creep to the door. They don't bother to tell. Good. I slip through the doors, finally. I casually make my way towards the staircase. With the intention, or course, to return to my bedroom. But I stop in my tracks. I see her. I must be going crazy. Slapping myself on the side of my head I look again. She is still there. She notices and stops as well. Reaching eye contact with me. It IS her. It's my Cass.


I woke a week ago. What is the hold up? just let me out already. There is only so much vomit smell and gowns that I can take. And right now, I've had enough. White is the colour of my room. The same room in which I woke up in before.Or the room I thought I woke up in before. 

I hope that Luke is real. That every second I have spent fantasizing about him, about his features, about his personality, was real. But I cant help the constant feeling that he is not. I'm only 14. Why am I even thinking like this? 

I should be thinking about much more younger problems than if I'm in love with someone who may be real or not. I am going crazy. So much thoughts run throughout my mind that I am rethinking If this is a medical hospital or not.It could me a mental one. I wouldn't be surprised.

In what world would someone so beautiful, so handsome like him exist? And in what world would someone as superior as him talk, or even look at me? I'm deranged. Unloved and untalented. Nothing special. Just a body, a brain, and a super crazy personality.

My nails are red. From being dragged through my hair too much. Bleeding is the last problem on my mind right now. I can feel the bags under my eyes. Darker than my hair. The prominent colour of my dull hair. 

The door opens. And I see a scowling Desiree. She does not look happy to see me alive. All I do is drop to the floor and smile. Laughter even escapes my mouth as I am reassured of Luke actually being a part of my life.

After changing I make my way to the familiar,dark car. Des is inside waiting impatiently. I notice that the night has arrived. The moon shining on my milky skin as I sit in the back seat,wanting to get as far away from Des as I can. 

The vehicle moves. Traveling through streets to the 'concealed' part of town. Vegetation and nature now surrounding me.Fingertips placed on the window I smile. Green is all I see now. Not white. Thoughts of me being crazy have long gone now. 

But as soon as I spot the trail. The trail to the orphanage, I stop smiling. I am back. And all I want is to be free. Of course free with Luke. But overall, just free. The engine dies. And I am dragged to the front door. Those double doors that had me unhappy the first time I saw them.

I know that everyone is eating by where the sounds are coming from. I breathe, knowing I will not have to deal with any overbearing stares. Luke must be in there. Yeah, he would be. Probably sitting at the table with Samantha and her crew.  I can just see her. Latching her claws deep into him and luring him into her embrace.

My heart clenches as I think about that. Feet slowly moving towards the staircase. But my heart clenches even tighter as I see the one person I have wanted to see in a while. He is there. His eyes locked with mine. No movements are made.It IS him. It's my Luke.


We are both frozen. No one else is in the hallway but us now. Where has she been? how is she still alive? does she still know who I am? Should I tell  her I love her? SO many questions. But not enough courage.

I'm about to speak when we are both interrupted. Desiree stands behind her. Eyes moving between the both of us. She knows. I think she knows about our special 'bond.' I don't look in her direction after that though. I still stare. At the brown eyed beauty from heaven in front of me.

"What are you doing Luke? You are supposed to be eating. No one leaves early and you know that." ugh. Why did she have to speak. Why does she even have to be here? I swear she wrecks every good moment I have ever had with Cass.

"Uh, I was feeling sick. So I was going to rest in my bedroom early." She doesn't buy it. I wouldn't either with the way my hands were shaking. Not from nervousness. But from the urge to touch her. To touch the person of whom I truly care the most for.

"Nonsense Lucas. I will not have such lies thrown in my direction. But as punishment. You will be sent to bed early. No interactions with anyone else until tomorrow. Go now." If I could punch her in the face, I definitely would. But since I am just a 'boy', and I do happen to live and survive because of her, I obeyed. 

But not before sending a look towards Cass telling her we needed to talk. And that we would talk tomorrow. I have no idea how she understood. But she did, reassuring me with a nod and a fake smile, She's faking happiness. As everyone else in this shit hole is.


Awh my god. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry guys for never updating anymore. I feel so bad. I am just super busy all the time now. And i've sorta been occupied with personal writing for a while. I have noticed heaps of messages about wanting me to update, and I have had to ignore. Because, well I was sort of going through a writers block with this story. But don't worry. I'm not giving up on you all this easy! #staystrongkayafans. Thanks so much for the 1,000 reads. When I first made this book, I honestly was doing it for a bit of weekend fun and thought I wouldn't even get 100 reads. But you all are so amazing and proved me wrong! ily all. please vote! and comment cause I feel lonely if this is like a one-way relationship where I'm the only one doing the talking ha ha. But stay active guys because I just wish for once someone other than myself and close people would read my writing. BTW I may be posting a new book with random and personal pieces of writing that I do in my journal. I haven't properly decided yet. But comment, or tell me your thoughts.xx


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