Star Gazing

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After we started holding hands I drifted to a dreamless sleep. The second time I woke up that morning I was alone. Luke wasn't there. I frowned while moving my body to stand up. Natural light spread throughout the room telling me it was day time. I groaned. Slowly, I tiptoed to the doorway of the bathroom and peeked out the door. 

Children were everywhere. I groaned once again. This cannot be happening. I should have woken up earlier to escape early. Lucky Luke. I straighten myself and check my appearance. I wipe under my eyes just in case there are any more dried tears. I'm surprised when I find none. When I'm slightly pleased with the way I look I make my way into the main hallway. Children stare at me from every direction, wondering who I am. I wonder if they know I even arrived here. Probably. Desiree doesn't seem like the type of person to leave everyone out of something. 

I pull the strands of my hair out from behind my ears. Trying to hide even more, it doesn't work. They keep staring. A few look happy to see me where as some look like they want to kill me. Geez what a nice first impression they are giving. My hands remain by my side while the silence continues. Everyone has to stopped what they were doing just to look at me. It's the most awkward position i've been in my whole life. 

I can't take it anymore. They don't have the right to make me feel like this. I gain courage and look back at them with the same facials. Lifting my chin high and walking with a strong stance. I then cheekily smile while staring at the girl I saw yesterday. The popular one that was staring at me with hatred. She gives me the most unpleasant smile when she catches me smiling at her. My face dripping with the most fake smile ever.

I brush past her, not forgetting to "accidentally" push her shoulder while walking past. If I can't be dead I may as well have fun. When I walk past the next person my face turns into a genuine smile. Luke is standing in front of me smiling with the same amount of happiness as me. I'm so glad to see him. 

Our friendly encounter is interrupted when Desiree grabs me by the shoulder. Pulling me away from Luke and upstairs. All the way up to my so called 'bedroom.' Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or bathroom floor in my situation. My fragile door slams and she turns to me with an angry expression. "Did I tell you that you could leave your room?" She asks well yells at me. "I do not want you to leave this bedroom until you are told to. Do you understand?" I nod and silently hope this is the end of her rant. I am pleased when she turns on her heels. Leaving me in the attic from hell. I sigh leaning back into the bed. It looks like i'm gonna have to starve then. That sounds so fun, not. 

Hours pass and I feel even more lonelier. This sucks. Suddenly, a sound erupts through the room. I think I might be going crazy. hearing sounds that are not even there. The sound comes again. Okay i'm not crazy now. I definitely heard that. I look even more around the room hoping to find where it's coming from. I follow the sound. Climbing on a chair in the process to get closer. Then I spot him. It's Luke. He's standing outside a window at the rear of the room. on the roof. Why the hell is he on the roof. I climb even higher and open the window. He smiles reassuring me everything is alright. I return the smile. He then speaks up. "hey."

"hi" I reply shyly. Staring at him for a second then giving him a look as to why the hell he is on the roof wanting to see me. he notices what I'm thinking and talks. "Uh I was thinking, Since we have barely even talked to each other or found out who each other is we could talk. I come here alot and watch the stars. We could do it together if you want." He shuffles and turns his gaze away from me. Unsure of what I would say. "Sure" I reply. I was about to scream HELL YES but I settled with sure. he smiles once again the lays his hand out between mid air. Reaching forward to give me a helping hand. Once he pulls me onto the roof we sit there awkwardly. Then I like down facing the sky. He copies me.

"So... you're Luke right?" I ask. I know that his name but I had no idea what to say. "yeah. How did you know?" he asks. "stalking me were you?" he asks again. I instantly blush. " no i just have sources." he smiles at that. "so you know my name but I still don't know yours." he says. real smooth Luke. " I'm Casandra, Cassie for short." His eyebrows knit together and I wonder if he hates my name. Please do not hate my name. I hate my name but when others hate my name it makes me feel even worse about it." I love your name. Casandra." he repeats. As if he's heard it for the first time now. " But I think I'll call you Cass. I want to be the only one who calls you that too." he says looking at me for reassurance. I nod and bite my lip.

We both forgot the whole reason why we came on the roof. We stop staring at each other and move our gazes to the stars. they are so beautiful from this point of view. They sparkle just like Luke's smile. I gulp remembering that he is right next to me. " You know." he says. "the stars are like my only escape. I can trust them with anything. They're perfect and always there for me. I guess that's why I always want to see them so badly." I couldn't help but wonder how the stars remind me of Luke. and how Luke is everything to me that the stars are to him. Luke is my only escape, therefore Luke is my own pair of stars. and those stars will never burn or die.


So this another chapter in the book. Please help me gain reads etc I love you all so much and I will update soon.x


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