12: On Your Marks

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Even though the lab had exploded the pipeline was intact , it had been so well made with the particle acelerator that it remained in place , Wally placed hes hand and the scanered opened he speed Martin inside and watched as the door closed "You really are naive if you count this as victory KidFlash" He said leanning against the walls of the cells he knew far too well , Wally had a smile on hes flash but simply shrug hes words "Your the one locked again so" he turned around and saw the aisles filled with fog and looked confused around, after all Barry had managed to neutralize the weather wizards powers, how had he created a fog?

Martin watched as a shadow slowly looked much more cleared , it was Frost who stepped in closer and placed her hand on the bio scan who instantly recognized her as Dr Caitlin Snow openning the door , he bowed down to her "You had a simple task Martin , Kill Dr Tracy Brand and the joke version of Harrison Wells and yet you got caught by the flash again . Tell me why should we keep you alive?"She spoke in her frost voice crossing her arms across her chest  "I did as you asked , I tried to find them and could have suceed if Mirror Master and Top had kept Flash and hes friends busy" She twisted her lips thoughtful  in a way he was right Top hadnt proven much useful , but that would be something she would have to discuss with Savitar.

Savitar stood right beside Mirror Master who seemed to have finally accepted he couldnt fool the speed god, he was finishing the device with hes multiple degrees in Biotecnologhy , Top simple stood behind them looking as the man she loved showed a skill she had no idea he possessed. Wally in that moment walked back into the pipeline to saw Weather Wizards body on the ground he was bleeding massively but there was no sign of a gun , he bent to check hes pulse but he seemed to be death.

Cisco walked around from one side of Joes living room to the other, gesturing with hes hands as he talked "Savitar is planning on making multiple versions of himself, its like a time remennant but many versions of himself , hes thoughts id be like he existed in many places , though what I still cant figure is how he plans on doing that but I think I have an idea I need to go see Harry " He said and opened a breach heading to Earth2 , in that moment Joe looked confused and simply nodded "I miss the times where my biggest worry was finishing paperwork" He sipped the remainning coffee in hes mug and exhaled." 

Barry appeared in that moment and looked at Joe "Bar, Cisco just left" he took a seat beside Joe "So Savitar let him go? Just like that?" Joe looked back at hes son and truth was he didint knew if Savitar had let him go, if the good of Caitlin had made Killerfrost help or if he had just managed to escaped "He just said he needed to see Harry , so he will be back soon" Wally appeared and hes hands had blood on them "Guys , I think Killerfrost killed Weather Wizard" Barry looked at Wally as if he was saying crazy things , he stood up in an instant and nodded hes head "Killerfrost wouldnt kill , shes Caitlin " Joe looked at both hes son who stood infront of each other each on their respective suit and stood silently as they discussed it "He was bleeding as if he had been hit by many pointy bullets or isicles " 

Harry was pouring himself the 4th cup of Coffee of the day when Cisco breached and caused him to jump spilling the coffee "Damn it Ramon, Would it hurt you bad if you actually sent a message before appearing or Call " He took another cup and sipped the coffee "Harry , remember that formula we talked about the one to make Savitar faster" He nodded before putting hes cup down on hes desk "I remember , the one you mocked me for , as if I was too crazy by wanting to make a speedster run faster , like that hadnt killed an evil speedster before " Cisco rolled hes eyes slightly "Yeah ..Yeah that. By any chance did you start working on it ?"Harry curved a smile as he saw Cisco needing hes help , it was one of those sweet moments he enjoyed "Maybe?" Cisco got frustrated and stepped forward Closer "yes or no? Harry this is an emergency ok , bad guy about to become much more of a treat than he already is" 

"Fine I have but its not finished yet" He took a seat on hes desk and Cisco exhaled "We need to finish it , this guy is planning on making himself omnipotent with multiple versions of himself but I think your idea might work . As Savitar watched Mirror Master make the final adjustment he placed hes hand on the metahumans shoulder and had a sly smile across hes lips "Perfect, now I just need one small adjustment to the speedgun and were good to go" Frost walked in by passing Top without aknowledging her presence and Savitar turned to her "Done , though he sure knew how to make a case , it was almost convincing" He looked at Top and Mirror Master "Now tomorrow is a very important day I expect you two to not fail but for now thats all , your excused" 

Mirror Master took Tops hand and walked through the mirror of the hallway to their place , Savitar grabbed Frost by the waist and with a sly smile speed her against the wall , hes plan was about to be executed and even with Cisco having escaped it was all going according , hes lips and frost met and soon so did their tongues, hes hands moved up her waist to make her coat slide down and frost hands moved hes jackett off as well , in a second he speed her to the main room and hes hands slide her dress off before he quickly removed the shirt from hes body , her smile seemed wicked as her eyes locked on hes body , she kissed him passionatly and soon the last remainning pieces of clothing in their bodies were thrown .

 Savitar speed her in the bed , laying below him their lips met once more with a fierce need , hes hands scanned her body with hes heated touch against her cold body , she shimmered below him and soon hes hips were moving in sync with hers , their moans drown in each others lips as they felt each time the pleasure growing , Frost rolled herself ontop of him and kept the pace , he felt at times the speed take over causing hes movements to be much more pleasurable to both of them. In that moment they felt victors , not only was the plan in march but they were together enjoying every moment . Barrys mind was in blank as Wally and Joe were talking , suddently he felt an image take over for a few seconds , it was Caitlin walking into the Karaoke Bar but the image suddently was of Frost .

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