10: Phase 1

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As soon as Wally regain control he speed directly to the west house where Joe inmediatly stood as he felt the breeze of speed he got hes gun out incase it was Savitar, "Is Barry here?" Joe looked confused "No, Barrys not here. What happened?" In that moment there was another breeze of a speedster and this time Barry appeared "What happened with Savitar?" Wally asked as soon as he saw Barry been back "He just wanted to treatnned me but we need to find Cisco " Wally nodded  and in a quickl second he was out of the house, Barry stood silently inmerse in hes thoughts as he took a seat on the couch Joe could tell something was up "What is it Bar?" He exhaled and nodded "Just some things Savitar said"

Cisco was seen the table on Savitars lair with the many tecnological pieces trying to figure in hes head what could Savitar want him to create with them, Frost stood behind him watching him carefully when Cisco turned to look at her with a smile "Remember when we stood up late working with Ronnie and Dr Wells to make the core of the particle acelerator work" Killerfrost formed a soft smile , in that moment Savitar stepped in "Alright Francesco , lets get to work . Here's what I need from you" He placed the blueprints he had made , Cisco read them and he kept hes eyes on the paper while he spoke "This is a DNA multiplier why would you.." Savitar rosed hes hand to stop him "You shouldnt worry about that , worry about Flash" 

Dr Tracy Brand and HR were holding hands walking through the streets of Arizona the day was warm and sunny as it always was , they were both laughing over a joke HR had made to one of the waiters on the restaurant they had just had lunch in when suddently Tracy's laugh became softer till her smile fainted "Whats wrong?" HR asked stopping at once and turning to face her "I just wonder, how are our friends ....Maybe if I had adjusted the energy dispenser to regulate at a much higher level it would have worked" 

HR still didint fully understand whenever Dr Brand spoke in those terms but he just smiled "You did the best you could" She mouthed a Maybe when suddently the weather abruptly changed the clouds darken and a lightnning fell just before them making Tracy scream and HR move her away they glanced around and saw a man walking with hes arms extended "You two are not as easy to find as I would have thought, Savitar sends hes greetings" Weather wizard said with a devilish smile 

While Savitar looked over Cisco , Killerfrost had a task at hand she walked into the room they had locked Dr McGee , the woman stood up "I did what you asked , Please just let me go" She said the last part in a softer pleading tone , Frost curved a smile seems the haughtiness shown by the doctor had diminish, she seemed now to be finally taking seriously the life treatnning situation she was in , Killerfrost spoke arching her eyebrow "So you want to leave" They were standing close the Doctor's  mouth suddently turned into an O as Frost drove an icisle into her chest , as the Doctors life started to drift from her eyes Frost showed some pain as she watched the woman who had believed in her , the one who had given her an opportunity when she had needed it now dying by her hand.

Joe was sat beside Barry "What did Savitar say to you?" Barry exhaled and ran hes hands through hes messy hair "He said Iris was only half of my love, that he had taken the other half , that he knew me , my hearts desires" Joe nodded softly and looked at Barry "Hes talking about Caitlin isnt he?" Barry rose hes head to meet Joe's he felt ashamed , Irs was hes daughter and had died 4 months ago but Joe simply curved a soft smile

 "I've always known Bar, from the moment you two met there was always something there, even if you were inlove with Irs since you were a kid , I could see you were developing feelings for Caitlin too" Barry nodded with a slight laugh "I..never thought about it , but I have always cared in a special way for Caitlin , guess I was too blinded to allow myself to see I had fallen for her as well" Joe placed hes hand on Barrys shoulder "Why did you think she alligned herself with Savitar in the first place? He is you Bar " Wally speed back in the house "Guys we have a problem I just got a 911 from HR "

Savitar had hes eyes locked on Cisco who as he worked was very careful with the calculations of how they could use this to their advantage when the final fight with Savitar came , Frost formed her best smile and appeared beside Savitar "Is it done?" He asked before turning hes face to the side to look at her she smiled and agreed "Mirror Master and Top showed in that moment , walking though one of the mirror their entrance was announced by some motion detectors installed by Savitar so they would know when unexpected visits came "You watch him" He softly pecked her lips and walked out leaving Cisco and Killerfrost on their own , Cisco curved a smile and laughed to himself "Whats soo funny ?" Cisco looked at her "Now I see whats going on "  Frost curved a smile and shoot an iciscle towards Cisco hitting one of the tables "Sensitive subject I see " She rolled her eyes "Just keep working ". As both Tracy and HR ran from Weather Wizard, he kept shooting lightnning at them "How did he find us?" Tracy asked as she looked back while running just to check if he was still after them . 

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