15: We are a Team Right?

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Barry ran hes hands through the back of hes head through hes hair as he walked into the appartment . It felt like it had been years ago since he had last stepped into Caitlins appartment, she looked at him with a soft smile and pressed her lips together before taking a seat in the couch "What are you doing here Barry?" He pulled out one of the dinners chairs and sat facing her "I wanted to check on you , I know we havent talked well in a very long time but I worry about you Cait..lin" he could feel the cait caling out of hes lips as easily as it had the first time but this time he wasnt sure their trust was the same as it had been.

Caitlin felt torn as she looked at her old friend , her mind and heart were all over the place on one hand she felt soo guilty for all she had done , unspeakeable things she wished she could tell Barry or Cisco but she couldn't even get the words I actually killed someone out of her lips , but as well seen Barry she couldn't help but remember that the man she had fallen for evil or not was Barry, was she inlove with Savitar for who he was or for the dear memories she shared with Barry . She finally broke the silence "I appreciate it I really do Barry , but right now im not sure I want to talk about what happened , maybe someday I will be ready but not now" .

He nodded with a soft smile "I understand , but I just wanted to let you know that If you need me im here Cait. Also Cisco and I got Starlabs working again ,if you want to come back its not the same without you " She felt warm in her heart to those words she did missed the days where starlabs had been just the three of them "I wil think about that, Promise" .

Cisco was back at hes apartment and now that finally there was no speed god trying to kill him he could get things back to its place , he moved hes tv back to its place and suddently picked up a strange vibe , he looked around and all he saw was a darkness and silence, he moved around to the window and saw the people on the street marching like zombies it looked too strange for him.

Wally did hes last run through the city before heading back to Joe's house "Hi Son , Anything ?" Wally nodded before speeding to the kitchen and back with a soda on hes hand "Nothing, its like they vanished" Joe looked at his son and breathed in "I get why Mirror Master and Top would vanish after Savitars defeat but Dr McGee disappearing makes no sense" Barry walked into thehouse normally with a look Joe recognized too well , that was the look Barrywould get when things didn't go hes way when he was a kid "Hey Bar" He smiledat Joe and Wally before walking to the stairs "I need to rest I will see you guys in the morning" .

Suddently Cisco called hes phone , "Hey Cisco" was all Barry could say before Cisco cut him off "Man I just got an alert from Starlabs appearently the system rebooted to the initial alert system that alerted me and ...nevermind . Theres an armed robbery going on the Central City Museum and it looks like its Peek a boo"

He hanged up and looked at Wally "Suit up , we got work to do" Wally smiled excited and quickly put hes suit on before speeding out the house following Barry . They ran side by side "See told you I was just as fast as you" Wally said making Barry laugh "Focus Wally , we got an armed robbery". Cisco opened a breach and was back in Starlabs in a second , he took a seat on hes new chair and stretched hes fingers before fastly typing on the keyboard pulling out all of the feed from the security of the museum , he could clearly see Peek a Boo pointing a gun to one of the guards while the other was putting some of the most precious jewels on a bag. He of course understood why she didn't just pop in and take it after all the museum had updated its alarms ever since metahumans had come to the picture.

"Guys , shes got two hostages and one has the gun to hes head so " Hearing this both The Flash and KidFlash speed and within seconds they had entered the museum , the movement alarms were still on causing them to make a loud noise alerting Peek a boo , KidFlash speed towards her , she moved quickly to the other side of the room leaving the guard safe in wallys arms. Flash then moved to get her but quickly remembered he needed darkness so she wouldn't be able to move , he speed to the light panels and turned the lights off , but in that darkness he felt like Savitar was lurking , hed look at hes sides and would imagine for seconds Savitars blue light armor .

"Guys I don't see her, Wally lock the place down so she wont be able to get away" Flash spoke on the commands before Wally moved to the security panel where one of the guards was unconscious on the floor "How do I do this Cisco?" He gave him the instructions when Barry spotted Peek a Boo with the new night vision Cisco had installed on hes suit "I see her" he whispered and move to get her , she kickly began to defend herself throwing punches and moving , Barry dodge those easily but when he reached to hes belt he couldn't find the power dampers cuffs.

"Cuff her!" Cisco told him on the comms when Barry told him he didn't have them he looked confused "What you mean you don't have them ?" Caitlins voice came from behind Cisco "I have them" She said with her apologetic smile "Caitlin" She smiled genuinely to hes friend who was giving her the brightest smile "Hey Cisco" Barry heard Caitlins name and for a second lost focus causing peek a boo to dodge and slide on the floor throwing him on hes back "Barry Im breaching them to you " Caitlin cut him off "Wait , I will " The breach opened and Caitlin yelled "Flash" before throwing the cuffs , he quickly caught them and cuff Peek a boo .

Wally took down the system there so they could take off , he speed out first and Barry was about to take off hes mask since it was Caitlin but she moved closer and stopped him "Wait...the cameras" she said with her hands ontop of hes , he chuckled "Right" Hes glanced asked permission and as it received it he carried her and ran back to Starlabs. As he ran through the city and felt Caitlins breath against hes neck something was different , he had carried her before but this time he felt different .Arriving at Starlabs he put her down and Cisco hurried to hug them "Were back baby , Team Flash!!" They hugged Cisco as well , Caitlin had thought of keeping the cuffs but now it felt like Frost was mourning , she wasn't fighting or so did Caitlin thought.

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