19: Trapped

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Barry kept hes eyes closed as he breathed in deeply he exhaled Caitlins scent, she kept her face hidden in hes chest as she cried , it felt like she had kept once more all the pain in and it was finally time to let it all out , the lost of Savitar was one lost she carried and weighted but nothing was as heavy as the lost of herself on the moment she took the life of someone , specially someone like Dr McGee a woman she had met , one that had taken her in , given her a chance and mostly shown her kindness. 

"Its Ok...Im Here" Barry said on a soft tone to her ear as she finally felt the weight lifted off her shoulders, she may never forgive herself for having hurt someone like her but at least now she didnt have to keep it in , now Barry would know , in that moment she felt like things between them hadnt change , he was still her Barry , the guy she worried about , the one that had brought back a smile to her face . She pulled back just enough to look up at him , hes hand move to her cheek as she leanned on hes touch , hes eyes locked on her tearful eyes , they still looked beautiful but hurt him as well to see her so broken.

Cisco walked in at that second while he looked down at some papers "Hey Barry , I was just reading..." he rose hes eyes to find them and even though Caitlin was crying he pressed hes lips on a line and softly smile , maybe Caitlin hadnt know all this time she had feelings for Barry , perhaps Barry himself had been too blinded by achieving hes childhood love to realize it but Francisco Cisco Ramon knew very well that there was something special there , he always had known . Barry moved hes hand away and Caitlin stood up cleanning the tears below her eyes "What did you find Cisco?" Barry asked wanted to divert the subject from Caitlin's reason of tear, it was her secret and he wouldnt be the one to tell it , it would be up to her whether she told Cisco or not.

The screens in what seemed like the future's screens of a laboratory showed a man in hidding he ran and hes arms would over stretch he still couldnt control them "I still cant quite understand the need to keep this individual my love , hes got no special skills other than be a modeling clay human been " Devoe joined hes hands and with a smile looked at the screens "That's precisely mylove why we bring them here remember, to see if their skills are worthy of our needs" As she nodded and looked at the screens she took a step closer to him "Will the lovely Doctor be joinning the rest of them here?" He turned the chair to her and considered her comment for a moment "Im still not quite sure , I still cant get a clear read of her powers " Marlize crossed her arms in confusion "We know she possess powers , we saw the way Killerfrost used them " her husband looked up at her "The origins or trigger of her powers is what im uncertan of"

"I was reading a few notes I took from Harry's studies maybe he could help us find where does this door on air take to " Barry looked at Cisco and back to Caitlin "Ask Harry to come help us , this is new territory for us" Caitlin moved to her desk and began typing when Barrys phone beeped "I have to go , Flash may have found the body but Barry Allen needs to do hes forensic investigation of the case" He said to them both before hes eyes turned to meet Caitlin, she gave him a soft smile which gave him confort to leave. Cisco took a few steps closer to caitlin "So...You two seemed cozy there" She nodded and exhled "Its not what your thinking Cisco" He crossed hes arms across hes chest and arched hes eyebrow "You sure about that?"

On the crime scene Joe stood over the covered body taking hes notes , when Barry arrived he greeted the officers around "How exactly does a woman just fall death on the middle of the alley Bar?" Joe questioned missing the simpler times where drug sellers were the biggest concern for the police "That's what were trying to figure out but for now I want to check if she was a metahuman or not" He bend but shortly later a voice came from behind them "Well Gentleman seems we have yet another strange situation in Central City" Cecile said making them both turn , the Captain Singh did visit the crime scenes , Barry raised quickly "Captain" She smiled at them both "Dont mind me Mr Allen continue with your work "

The elastic man kept running till he lean on a wall  he closed hes eyes and he could see still the last day he had been on the real world , he remembered it clear inspite of been trapped on that place for what seemed years. He remember how just after walking outside of hes PI office he saw a very strange wave of energy comming hes way , he tried to move from it but in seconds it had passed him through, hes vision became blurry yet he remembered a man and a womans voice whos voices became distance just after the man said "4 more to go" he had then openned hes eyes yet he couldnt feel hes body like he usually did, he remembered seen many faces yet been too afraid to interact with them, he began to listen to some steps approaching which made him began running once more.

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