13: Set..RUN

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The day had finally arrived and when Barry woke up he could feel it on hes skin , and hes instinct were nothing but accurate , to make sure the plan ran its course Savitar had sent Mirror Master and Top to break out many of the remainning Metahumans in Iron Heights to keep the flash and hes team distracted. They easily walked pass the guards using Tops powers and manage to get to the pannels , in there they actionated one of the switch freen the metahumans who didnt took long in realizing their powers were back . 

Savitar left a soft kiss on Frost shoulder as she was still in bed and he walked to see the city one last time, he hadnt told Frost yet about hes exact plans but he then again knew that she would stand beside him like she in a way always had . He then walked towards the lab and grabbed the speed gun to make the final adjustment needed so it could be use to open a door way , the one that would give him everything he needed .

Joe and all of the cops had gone to Iron Heights to stop the metahumans but some of the prisoners had broke free as well , Top and Mirror Master watched from the pannel as the criminals took down the guards and some started to kill them as well, they awaited for when Barry and Wally arrived , Savitar instructions were more than easy and clear  , keep the Flash busy for as long as posible

Barry suit up for the first time in the past months , he didnt felt in the shadows anymore , there were still doubts clouding hes mind but at least he knew even though he had lost Iris , hes first love , there were still people worth fighting for , hes family . Wally showed up before him and smiled in hes enthusiastic way "Ready FLash?" Barry place the top of hes suit on and made sure it covered hes face before curving a small smile "Lets end this" He and Wally ran straight to Iron Heights and running at the speed of light began putting each human prisoner first in their cells, Barry had to admit it felt nice helping people once more , but he had a feeling there was something more going on "

Cisco was on Earth2 with Harry finishing up the serum specially design to make Savitar run much faster than usual , in that moment Jesse walked into the lab "Hey Dad , I was just...Cisco!! Hey What are you doing here?" She came closer and gave him a half hug while Cisco had a big smile on hes face "Its good to see you Jesse Quick. Well your dad is helping me with a serum to make a speedster run even faster" 

She smiled intrigued "Oh cool , let me see" She quickly took the paper with all the components and dissapeared for a few seconds returning with the final needed substance "Done" Cisco grabbed it and saved it on him so he would be ready . Jesse looked to the side and back to Cisco with that smile he knew all too well it was the one any woman put when they were going to ask for hes help "So , right now its a little boring around here ...How about some help"

The outsides of the city were desserted when Frost and Savitar arrived , he stepped out of the suit and gave hes queen the speedgun , as they both held the gun he looked into her eyes "Were almost there" She nodded to hes words and even though her heart was cold she felt warmth by knowing she wouldnt have to lose him if all went according to what they had planned.

 Savitar took the dna multiplier device fashioned by both Cisco Ramon and Mirrror Master with a simple touch he activated it and gestured Frost to shoot the gun , she did so and as the portal opened she had the widest wicked smile upon her lips, she could see a mixt of lightninng and darkness , Savitar looked back at her "See you in a few " He began to run inside this dimension a world between two worlds, it was exactly placed between the speedforce and time . 

Barry and Wally got to the metahuman wing and began to fight the different metahumans while Top and Mirror Master watched , suddently Jesse and Cisco showed up , Cisco quickly checked hes vibes and saw Caitlin keeping the portal opened "BARRY WE NEED TO GO NOW" Barry nodded and as Cisco opened the breach they were standing just before Killerfrost who kept with the gun the door opened so Savitar could return . She got defensitve yet she knew if she let go the door could be close and she wasnt sure whether or not Savitar could come back , Barry raced inside to follow Savitar when Frost yelled "NO" 

Cisco took a step closer , he could see hes friend was still  inside . Barry and Savitar were on the only race that would definned their future, Barry noticed the faster Savitar ran the more clones it created and for a moment hessitated on Ciscos plan but he had to trust hes friends, it was the only way . They both ran the fastest they could and Barry knew if Savitar got back to the door before he did , he could be trap in there , he needed to run and as he closed hes eyes he heard the voice of everyone in hes life telling him to Run , Joes voice, Cisco Voice, Iris Voice, Wallys voice and finally Caitlins voice as the image of her once sweet and noble smile flashed hes memory he ran as fastest as he could till he caught up with savitar injecting him with the formula. Savitar speed increase and as he ran so fast Barry could see the circuit on the dna multiplier burning up . 

Savitar got tossed out of the vortix and shortly after Barry walked out, Frost dropped the gun and ran to him , he seemed weaker , the drug had affected him to be much faster and therefore affected hes entire system "I can fix this, I can fix you" Frost said kneeling down with Savitar on the floor , he looked up at her and reached to her cheek "We almost did it " She smiled softly as the tears ran down her cheeks . She watched as once more a man she loved vanished right before her eyes , Savitars body slowly dissapeared into the thin air , and as she cried in the floor Barry and Cisco stood behind her , neither knew what to say , or if she was frost or caitlin , at that point they both were their friend .  

Barry watched down as Caitlin cried and felt the need to confort her , hug her like he used to but how could he , he had left her alone when she was struggling with her powers, in a way she had gone faster into full Killerfrost because he had put Iris live above all of their needs , he had gone to the future and promised he would save her yet he hadnt even tried , how could he just pretend they were still the same close friends they had been , he would need to rebuild the bond they once had.

Jesse smiled and high five Wally after they had finished locking up the remainning meta humans or so they thought, "How you been?" Wally asked trying to sound casual , Jesse talked as she looked to the floor and ocasionally up at him "Good, you know. Stopping bad guys...dealing with my dad " . Mirror Master and Top knew at that time that something had gone wrong or Savitar would have already showed to take them , they quickly dissapeared from the place.

After what felt like hours , Frost finally stood up , she cleaned her eyes from the tears and began to walk when she felt Barry and Cisco following making her stop "I need to be alone right now " she sigh and Barry felt the words slip out of hes lips "You shouldnt be alone, let us help you Cait". She turned around with that broken look Barry knew all to well , the same look he had seen in hes reflection , in that moment he knew he would have to fight to fix what he had destroyed, Savitar may had killed Iris but he hadnt forced him to abandon hes friends. 

(If this chapter gets to 5 stars I will add 10 more chapters ;) )

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