Chapter 1

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November 5th, 2038
Crime Scene of Carlos Ortiz

As soon as I've gotten out of the car and walked up to the scene, some of the cops and people there greeted me. "Ah, Dollie. What's a young lady like you doing here, and not dressed for the weather at that?" One of them asked as we walked inside. "Left my stuff at home. Plus, I'm apparently here with Hank and an android. 'Advanced' one at that" I explained as he nodded and pointed to their direction, with them coming in. "I planned on not showing up until this asshole found me" Hank said angrily, before continuing. "Well, let's get this investigation over with!" I said impatiently as the gentlemen went to investigate on their own. However, I was looking for something else.

I wasn't really investigating, per say. The deviant is still in the house, and helping them is my goal. I checked the front and back yard, living room, kitchen, and any other room for a chance to escape or signs of the deviant. I stopped at the end of the hallway and looked up, noticing a way to the attic. "Well, it's the last place I didn't check" I mumbled and looked around for a way to get up there. "You also think the deviant is up here?" Connor asked, walking with a chair in hand. "Yeah. Mind if I go up there first?" I asked as he looked away for a minute, thinking. After a couple of seconds, he nodded and set the chair down and opened the attic and helped me up. "If I'm not back within.....15 minutes, come look for me. Okay?" I asked. "Why 15 minutes?" He questions. "It's dark up here and I don't want to miss anything" I explained as he nodded and I proceeded to look for the deviant.

It was really dark, so I couldn't see much. Exploring the attic was hard and I couldn't find much, until I heard a voice, very evident that they were scared. "D-don't come any closer..." Hearing the scared voice, I went closer to the voice, finding an android covered in blood. "I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to you escape..." I said in a calm tone, trying to calm the deviant down, which didn't work, causing it to run off while bumping into me and falling in the process. 'Crap!' I thought before getting up and looking for it again. "Please, I won't let them destroy have my word" I said in a reassuring tone, making it peek out of it's hiding spot. "Y-y-you're human. Why help me?" He asked as I shrugged. "Haven't you heard of the Deviant Protector?" I simply asked as he nodded, coming out and sighing in relief.

"Dahlia! Did you find anything?" Connor shouted as I cursed myself. "No! It's too dark in here, give me another 5 minutes!" I shouted back as I motioned the deviant to hide and he did so. "Sorry, Dahlia, I'm coming in there." Soon after he said that, he came up and scanned me, probably checking to see if I was hurt. "You have a forming bruise on the back of your right leg. Are you sure you didn't find anything?" He questioned as I nodded quickly before moving ahead, still attempting to look for an escape route for the deviant. He was behind me as we 'looked' for the deviant, I was praying that he wouldn't find the deviant...

November 6th, 2038
Interrogation Room

So, long story short, Connor saw the android, reported him and now we are at the interrogation room. That plan failed rather quickly.

"So, did you find this plastic thing in a state of shock, Dollie? It hasn't even said a word since we arrived back here" Officer Reed asked as I shrugged, looking straight ahead into the room across from us. "I didn't find him, Connor did. I tried to search for him, but failed" I lied.

"Mhm" was all he said before walking away, watching the interrogation go down. After some moments, the officer came back with a sigh. "Nothing?" I asked as he shook his head. "Nothing. It's not speaking or even reacting to anything I say or do...." The officer explained as the entire room was filled with either groans, 'fuck' 'dammit' 'shit' or a simple sigh.

"Well, let Connor handle it" I suggested as everyone looked at me. "The Android? Why?!" Reed asked as I glanced at him. "Might as well make use to what Cyberlife sent your asses. Either let an actual Android interrogate someone of the same kind, or let another one of you assholes try and fail....again" I explained in a harsh way as everyone sighed, knowing I was right.

"Okay. Let's give it a try" Hank said as Connor nodded and walked out of the room and went next door. "Let's see how this goes" I mumbled as he was looking at us, or in his perspective, himself. "What the fuck is it doing now?" Hank asked aggravated as I groaned and raised my eyebrows. "I'll go in there with him" I walked over to the room and went to the seat across from him, analyzing him.

"Let's start with names. I'm Connor, and this is Dahlia..." He paused as the Android slightly looked up, then looked back down. "What's your name?" He didn't answer.

"We want to help you, but you need to talk to us" I said as he didn't respond. "Why....why did you report you? You could've just me there" He asked as I was about to speak, but he stopped me.

"I was programmed to hunt down deviants like you. You will be destroyed if you don't start talking" He threatened as the Android was still  looking down. "Please trade spots with me, Dahlia. I'm going to-"

"Don't probe his memory. Are you trying to raise his stress level?!" I asked worried as he shook his head. "We have no choice, Dahlia. He had a choice to speak, but he-"

"P-please don't!" He pleaded as I grabbed his hands. "Just talk. Talk and I'll get you away from these bad, cruel humans..." I pleaded with him, but he lowered his head. "I-I can't..." He said quietly causing me to frown. "Alright....I guess we have no choice" I stood up as Connor proceeded to probe his memories. I watched and frowned.

"No need for a confession, gentlemen. He probed the Android's memories" I said as the others came into the room and the Android started to beat its head against the desk. "Shit! Stop that thing" Reed pushed an officer over to the Android and tried to stop it.

"I-it's not stopping!" The officer said as he released the Android from the cuffs. "You better stop that right now" Connor said as the Android grabbed the officer's gun, shot Connor, then shot itself. In that order.

"Holy shit..." Hank mumbled and looked around as I looked directly at the Android. "It self destruct...and shot him in the process...damn" I said as everyone else was silent.

Everyone left soon after with someone from Cyberlife taking both androids away.

Nothing prepared me for these event that occurs over the next few days/weeks

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