Chapter 2-3

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November 6th, 2038
Ravendale District: Motel

The car ride was loud in music, but quiet as far as us talking. I was in the front seat, staring out into the window and looking at the rainy road. The atmosphere was tense, to say the least. I mean, Hank was slightly in a bad mood thanks to Connor.

"A motel?" I questioned and sat up against the seat. "Yes. The android robbed a nearby convenient store and must've stayed in the motel last night" Connor explained as I nodded. "I feel sorry for them" I said as Hank parked the car and looked at us.

"For someone who isn't interested in this case, you sure look fucking interested" He said as I shrugged. "Just curious. How did they get in? I thought they had an No Android policy..." I questioned as he shrugged. "Guess deviants are like humans..." I mumbled before opening the car door. "It's rainy. Don't you want an umbrella?" Connor asked as I frowned.

"Left it in my car. Besides, I don't think I'll need it. C'mon, you two" I said as we gotten out of the car and went to the front desk. I glanced up and saw someone looking down at us.

"You two go ahead. I'm going to look around the area" I said before running up to where she was at, only to have her run inside. Managing to catch up to her and found her motel room, I gently knocked on the door.

No answer. I gently opened the door and found them hugging. I quickly closed and locked the door.

"Stay back!" The AK400 pulled the gun at me, aiming straight at my head. "Wait! I'm not here to hurt you both" I said as she still kept the gun pointed at me.

"Then why are you here?" She asked as I walked closer to them. "To protect you both. I'm Dahlia...and your names are Kara and Alice, am I right?" I questioned as she put the gun down. "How do you know us?" Alice asked, then looked at Kara. "Are you the Deviant Protector? Can you help us?" She asked as I nodded.

"Yes, but we don't have alot of time to talk. Take this and run. Call me if you're in trouble" I wrote my phone number down and handed it to her, then proceeded to shove them out of the door as they ran. I stayed inside and looked around the room, getting some information about the two androids.

"There you are. Were they here?" Hank asked as he and Connor walked in. "No. All I found was her LED light and some hair in the sink....and a bath" I said, half-lying. "Her? A bath? Nevermind that. We have to catch them" Connor said, running out. I ran out behind him.

"Which way did it go?" Connor asked. "That way. They're headed for the train station" The officer said as we both nodded and ran some more and stopped at another officer.

"Over there!" He pointed and we ran to the fences and stopped as soon as they hopped over. They made eye contact as I motioned them to run. They continued running to the highway.

"Damn, that's insane..." Hank said as he made it over to us and we watched them. Connor soon after tried over the fence.

"Whoa whoa whoa! What are you doing?"

"Can't let them get across the highway"

"They'll never make it across"

"Can't take that chance, Lieutenant" He tried to cross the fence again, this time I stopped him. "You're going to get yourself killed. Don't!" I said as he stopped and we watched them cross the highway, and they made it.

"Shit..." Connor mumbled and stormed off. "I'm not surprised..." I said as Hank turned his head towards me. "Not surprised at what?" He asked as I nodded my head towards the highway.

"Deviant would do anything to be free and survive.....I'm not surprised that they made it across. In fact, I'm glad they made it...." I said and walked off as everyone was slowly leaving the scene.

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