Chapter 6-2

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November 8th, 2038
Rose's Farm

After a day and a half (with many stops), we were close to Rose's Farm. An 'attack' happened at the Stratford Tower, but I wasn't going to go investigate.

"This van is cozy, Dollie..." Alice said as she was laying on Kara's lap and legs were on Luther. "I know, right?? I should buy this from you. How much?" Belle asked as I laughed. "None. I'm keeping this" I said as we parked and stopped. Belle pouts as Tiff leaned and rubs Belle's head.

"Should we get going?" Poppy asked as I grabbed my coat and put it on, then all of us exited the van, walking around and exploring, looking for Rose.

"So pretty..." I mumbled as Belle nodded and explored the area. We found a greenhouse with someone cutting wood. We walked over there and it was a young boy.

"Adam?" Belle called out to him and turned towards us. "Sorry, Belle. Pumpkin season is over" He said, going back to chopping the wood. "No, we're here for a different reason" Shd said as he turned towards us.

"We're looking for Rose. Is she here?" Kara walked over to us. Adam looked at us, then at her. "What do you want with her?" He asked. "I want to talk to her" She said as he shook his head. "She's doesn't want to talk. Go away!" He said, continuing to chop some more wood.

"Please. I really need to talk to her" She said as Rose came out. "I'm Rose. What can I do for you?" She said as Kara held her hand up and her skin came off and the others joined us.

"Come on. It's better if we talk inside" Rose said and walked inside and Adam followed behind her. We all sighed in relief before following them inside to the warmth.

"What's your name?" Rose asked Alice. "Alice" She introduced herself as Rose checked for a fever.

"Doesn't she know that Alice's an android?" Tiff asked as we shrugged. "Doubt it" I said.

"She's running a fever"

"We spent the last few nights outside. She's exahusted"

"There's a spare room upstairs. You can put her to bed and I'll bring her something to eat" She paused and looked at Adam. "Can you take them to their spare room?" She asked as Adam walked off with Kara, Luther and Alice following behind them. Me, Belle, Tiff and Pops stayed downstairs and went to the kitchen table.

Me and Pops shared a chair and Belle and Tiff shared the other chair. We talked for a bit until Rose came downstairs after taking the food up to Alice.

"It's nice to see you again, Belle. What's your names?" She asked us. "I'm Dahlia, this is Poppy" I introduced us as Poppy waved and smiled. "This is Tiffany, but she goes by Tiff" Belle introduced Tiff as she waved. "The pumpkins were fun to carve, even though someone had to work on that day" Belle said, glaring at me said as Rose slightly smiled.

"What's with four humans taking care of two Deviants and a little girl?" She asked as Belle looked at Tiff. "Our Androids do look like humans, D!" Belle said as Rose looked at Tiff and Pops again.

"They're also Deviants, but we've been taking care of them" I said as she nodded. "Then which one of you is the Deviant Protector?" She asked as I raised my hands. Belle and Tiff looked surprised, but Pops smiled. "You are?!" They both asked as I looked at them and nodded. "Yes, I am. You ever wonder why I never reported you or Tiff when I first met ya?" I asked as they both made a simple 'O' mouth.

"Why do you help humans?" Rose asked me. "Ditto" I said as she smiled. "Who wants coffee?" I said and tried to stand up.

"Nope! You have an injured leg and you've been walking too much today. Down!" Poppy held my shoulder so I wouldn't stand up. "That explains the bloody bandage" Tiff says, doing the same thing to Belle. "But Pops! I took the bullet out. I'll be-" Both Poppy and Tiff walked over to the kitchen, ignoring our groans and complaints.

"Meanies!" We both said as Kara came downstairs. "I didn't catch your name either" Rose said. "I'm Kara and Luther is upstairs with Alice" She introduced herself and pulled a chair next to her and sat down.

"That's my son, Adam...and I'm Rose, but you already knew that" She said as Kara nodded. "Now, tell me what the Deviant Protector is doing with two androids and a little girl" Rose asked as Kara looked at me.

"Kara called and I came to the's a long story, but they need your help to get across the border" I said as Belle nodded. "You're...not coming with us? Why?" Kara said as I smiled.

"My work isn't done here in just reconciled with my dad, and I can't leave him here..." I explained as Belle held her hand out in front of Tiff. "10 mini bags of sugar. I won!" Belle said as Tiff scoffs and gets her the bag of sugar.

"You two betted against me?! Oh, we're talking about this on the ride home!" I pouted, then turned to Rose. "Please, help them in anyway you can..." I pleaded as Rose nodded.

"The only way across the border is by river, and it's frozen in the winter. Very risky. I suggest you three stay here until it gets safer..." Rose suggested as I nodded and agreed, but Kara shook her head. "We can't hide like this. I want Alice to have a safe and normal life. We have to get across that matter what" Kara said, clear determination in her voice.

"Rose, come quick" Another android came and got Rose and they both walked off to the laundry room. "Can you walk?" Poppy asked as she helped me up and all 4 of us walked to the laundry room.

"It's Mary...she just shut down" The android said, moving the curtains to see an android holding the other close to them.

"Oh no..." Tiff and Pops said as me and Belle looked at each other.

"We escaped together...we used to talk about what we would do once we get across the border...I loved her...I loved her more than anything...what would I do without her?" He said with a tone of sadness and tears in his eyes.

"Let's leave them be..." Rose walked out as I watched. "Can you...?" Poppy looked at me as I shook my head. "Leave them be..." I said as we walked past the trio and went to the fireplace and sat down.

We heard Adam and Rose arguing, but Poppy and Tiff covered our ears. As soon as they stopped, they uncovered our ears. "What was-"

"Don't worry about it" Tiff stopped Belle from speaking as we watched Adam sat down and played on his tablet and Kara was trying to talk to him.

Not long after, the doorbell rings and we all stood up. "The police...It's the police!" Adam started panicking and so did I.

"You two hide...uh..."

"Upstairs with Alice and Luther" Kara told Tiff and Poppy and they went upstairs with Alice and Luther as me, Belle and Kara were hiding evidence of androids.

"You missed work today, D. Won't they say anything?" Belle asked as I cursed to myself, then shook my head. ", I didn't. Don't worry about it. Everyone stay calm" I said as we all nodded and Kara opened the door.

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