Epilogue: Dahlia and Poppy

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May 16th, 2039
Detroit Hospital

*6 Months After the Revolution*

*Poppy's POV*

It has been 6 months since the gained independence of androids. Me, Belle and Tiff, along with Hank and Connor and the new RK900 model, was at the hospital as well. The room was silent. The only thing making noise was the monitors and the nervous breathing of Belle and Tiff. Damn, they must be really nervous. 

"You two need to relax" I mumbled to them as they both looked dead at me. I looked away before they could scold me. "Sorry..." I said as they hummed their response, making me glare back at them. "I hate you both" I said.

"Love you too" They both said in sync, which annoyed me, but I didn't say a thing.

The trio on the other side of the room was silent as our side of the room was slightly chatting. Who knows what they were thinking. D just had some test ran on her and Hank was a fucking nervous wreck...that and smelled like alcohol (according to Belle).

As we were chatting, we didn't noticed that a few set of eyes was on us. I kept trying to calm Belle and Tiff down as they tried to annoy the fuck out of me.

"You three are chatty today. Any reason why?" We turned to the trio on the other side of the room and hummed our confusion. "How close are you three?" The RK900 asked as we looked at each other, then back to them.

"Very tight. We've known each other for years. Why?" Belle asked as both androids looked at each other and back to us.

"Just curious...how are you three so close?" He asked as I shrugged and looked at D, who looked in peace. "It's a long story. Wanna hear it?" I asked as the androids nodded. Hank ended up falling asleep as we sat on their side.

*Two Years Ago*
*Poppy's POV*

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked D as she nodded. "Yes. Me and Belle are good friends. Best friends if you want to call it that. She won't report you" She reassured me as I frowned. "But..."

"Why would I report my own creation?" She said and knocked on the door.

The mansion was huge...apparently, Belle was adopted by the famous artist, Carl Manfred, who also had an android.

The door opened and showed a girl with an android hiding behind her.

"Dollie! I'm glad you made it!" She greeted and dragged us in her house. I stayed close to D as Belle's android stayed behind her.

The house was massive and decorated with a lot of artwork. It was a pretty mansion. I didn't pay attention to the girls as I looked around, later walking off to explore.

I ended up upstairs looking down into the living area without knowing.

"I-I'm Tiff..." Someone said as I glanced and noticed a shy android, watching me from afar. "Pops" I motioned her to walk over as she did and we shook hands. "Pops? Short for...Poppy?" She asked as I nodded.

"Tiff is short for Tiffany?" I asked as she nodded and we both watched the girls play chess.

"So...how'd you meet Dahlia?" She asked as I slightly smiled at the memory. "Hospital. She saved me from being destroyed" I said as she hummed and turned towards me.

".....are you a deviant...or did she tell you not to report me?" She asked with a shaky voice. "Didn't Dahlia give you to Belle as a gift? Why would she report you?" I questioned as she shrugged.

"I'm a deviant" I simply said as she sighed in relief. "Thank rA9! I can relax now!" She said in relief and dragged me to Belle's room. We spent the entire night talking about random things and basically had fun with each other.

Tiff was my first friend, and we both grew close to each other ever since.


"...And that's how we became close. You have to ask Belle or Pops about how they met. They both tell two different stories" I said as she flicked me off.

"You guys are fucking loud...can't I sleep in peace?" We heard someone groaned as we looked over at D, who was flicking all of us all. At that point, we all jumped on her and tackled her.

"Get off meeeeeee!!! Y'all are heavy as helllllllll!!!!" She complained as we saw Hank waking up and looked dead at us.

"The fuck are you three doing?" He asked as we looked at each other then back at him, getting off and let D sit up.

"I now know how you feel about being attacked by your own android/s..." She said as he ran and hugged her tightly, with her hugging him back tightly as well.

"Awhhhh!" We all said as D flicked us off, then looked over at Connor and the RK900 android, pointing at him.

"Um...how long was I out for?" She asked and looked around the room, noticing all of the balloons and stuff.

"6 months. You missed your birthday, happy  belated birthday by the way. You missed Christmas, New Years, NYE, Valentine's Day, St. Patty's, MY Birthday and April Fools" Belle said with a hint of sarcasm on her birthday. She frowned and sighed. "Well then...uh...what about-"

"We gained our independence" I said and she sighed in relief, then looked at the RK900. "And this is..."

"Gavin Reed's new partner, the RK900, a new RK model" Tiff said as she bust out laughing, then held her side in pain. "Holy fucking shit! Gavin?!" She said in disbelief as Hank nodded heavily, agreeing with her.

"I know, RIGHT?! Him working with an android? Fucking shocker if you ask me" He said in agreement.

A lot has happened within these 6 months...

...and alot more things to happen in the future...

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