Intoxicated Thoughts

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+I Will Be By Your Side, MeloMance+
"Seeing how weak I got I tried to escape from you ,but in the end I'm by your side again."

Third Person POV

Jeongin tries his best to enter his house as silently as he can with a snoring June on his back. He huffs out his legs shaking beneath him. I really... need... to workout...

He opens his door with as much care as he possibly can to avoid a creak or any kind of other noise. Jeongin successfully enters his room and carefully places the drunk girl on his bed.

The boy clicks his tongue in annoyance, just how much did this girl drink? She needs to be careful.

His adrenaline has calmed down now and the pain of his scraped elbow became more evident.

"Damn." He says under his breath and winces when he examines his elbow. He grabs his water bottle and a piece of cloth in his room to clean up the wound.

The first aid is in the bathroom so I guess this will do for now.

He exhales out finally being able to properly breathe. Then Jeongin sits next to her and glances at the sleeping beauty.


"June." Jeongin shakes the snoozing girl to wake her up.

June groans out loudly and cracks one of her eyes open. Her mind still feels hazy and her body feels lighter than before, but heavy nonetheless. She sits up and rubs her eyes.

"Oh! It's JEONGINNIEEEE!" She excitedly shouts out and points her finger in his direction.

"Yah! Be quiet I don't want my parents to wake up!" Jeongin harshly whispers in June's direction.

"What did you-" Jeongin cuts June off by placing his finger onto her lips.

He leans closer into her, "I told you to be quiet I don't want us to get in trouble, especially you."

At first both of them didn't realize the lack of distance between them until a few seconds later. Jeongin's eyes become wide as he stares at June. The tips of his ears start to turn red, and being this close to June his mind went into a frenzy.

Meanwhile June wasn't in the most sober state so she didn't realize the little distance between her and Jeongin. The only thing catching her attention was the way his eyes seemed like they were glittering.

Jeongin finally comes back into his senses and quickly pulls back his finger, but his eyes stay as wide as an owl's. He wasn't entirely out of his daze because he couldn't bring himself to put space between both of them.

June leans closer to his face and Jeongin's eyes start to waver.

"W-what are you doing?" Jeongin questions her shakily.

June slowly brings her hand to his face, her fingertips gently trace the ends of his eyes. Jeongin stops breathing all together. He harshly gulps and stays frozen.

"You're eyes." June slurs out. She looks directly into his eyes with amazement. Jeongin tries to avoid eye contact with her.

"You're eyes...are so prettyy." She continues to observe them in astonishment.

"They're like" She pauses trying to find a justly comparison. But in her drunken state it was challenging. They're like,,,,they're liikkee-

"Oh!" She gasps out loud and smiles widely at him.

"Like stars. So sparkly annnd sososo pretty." She slurs out and her eyes start to droop.

Jeongin sits there speechless, what does he say? How should he respond? His mouth goes dry and so he sits there not uttering a word.

June continues, "Each time. When I look at the stars." She points up to the ceiling and then points to Jeongin.

A dopey smile stretches across her face, "I'll think of you."

She closes her eyes and falls foreword. Jeongin reaches out and places his hands on her shoulders. Her forehead leaning in between his shoulder and neck. Jeongin's heart goes into another frenzy, pounding against his chest with such a force it's unhealthy.

June mumbles under her breath, "The stars are really pretty. Really really pretty."

Her warm breath tickles Jeongin's neck. "Jeongin is really really pretty."

Jeongin can't help but softly chuckle out snapping back into reality. June's light snores fill his room. He gently pats June's head.

"You know who else is really pretty?" He speaks out into the almost silent room.

He doesn't receive a response since June is now in very deep sleep.

"You." He whispers and tucks June in his bed placing the sheets over her body.

"June is really pretty." He smiles at her as she snuggles into his comforter.

Jeongin settles himself on the floor next to the bed. He uses his arm as a pillow and peers towards the ceiling of his room. Looks like I'm not getting any sleep tonight.


If I were y'all I would want to crucify me sksksk

I'm sorry for my lack of updates on this book!! I tend to just update when I get inspired :(

Seeing how this story has doubled in views since last time I've updated is so crazy to me thank you all for reading this lowkey crappy fic <3333

Stray kids are about to have another comeback who else is SO EXCITED!! Jyp is kind making these boys woRK I do wish they caught a break

But let's support them nonetheless! Get ready to stream and please do buy the album if you can :)!

Until next time~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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