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Hangovers sucked.

That was the one thing on Amy's mind as she weakly pulled the front door open. Amy pushed her dark brown sunglasses up the bridge of her button nose. She gritted her teeth together in an attempt to take away the pain from her throbbing headache. She trudged through the hallway and made a beeline for her locker.

Unfortunately, two freshmen playing catch with their football crossed her path. Barely ducking the football, Amy turned on her heel and snapped at the freshmen, "If you don't take your fucking ball with you and scram, I'm going to show you what it feels like to get kicked in the sac, understand?"

The two boys' eyes widened and they immediately scurried down the hall with their precious football. Amy grunted underneath her breath something about younger boys and their immaturity as she opened her locker. She took off her sunglasses that kept sliding off and placed it on top of her messy pink quills. Amy rubbed her eyes wearily and wished she had coffee to wake her up.

"Late night partying, Miss Rose?"

Hastily, Amy put her sunglasses back on to avoid showing her red-rimmed eyes. She turned to make an excuse, but she was met with an amused Sonic. Amy groaned and said, "Two drinks should not have been enough to get me drunk."

Leaning against the lockers, Sonic crossed his arms over his chest and said, "Well, you are a lightweight..."

Amy punched his shoulder playfully. "Shut up. I am not. And why are you not hung over?"

His cool composure wavered slightly when he registered what she was saying. "I guess I can handle hangovers better than you. Practice makes perfect," he joked.

She snorted and shut her locker. "Wow, you're like a superhero. Next you'll tell me you can walk on water."

Sonic eyed her intensely and said, "Stranger things have happened."

Amy turned away from him because she felt her cheeks growing warm. She couldn't let him see her blush. She was about to change the subject when he stopped her. "Did you have fun last night?"

She bit her lip, wondering what the right answer to that question would be. If she said no, would he feel let down? But if she said yes, would he avoid her for practically admitting she loved the kiss they shared? In her defense, they were both hammered last night and weren't thinking straight.

But then again, she remembered everything that happened last night and...she liked it. She liked the way his lips felt on top of hers and how her body fit perfectly into his. Amy liked the way his hands felt, running down her thighs and supported her body against the brick wall. With just one look, Sonic could send shivers shooting down her back and make her knees quiver.

"From what I remember, it was fun. Thanks for taking me out," Amy lied to beat around the bush.

She thought she saw a glimmer of disappointment in Sonic's countenance, but when she looked again, he was stone faced. "Yeah, right...me too..." Amy shook her head and wondered when she was going to stop making up signs between the two of them. It was evident he didn't like her and did like Sally.

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