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We're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time.

If only Taylor Swift really understood how these lyrics applied to Amy's life. The pink hedgehog paced back and forth in her living room. She watched the fire crackle in silence, wondering what to do.

She was upset because she made all of these promises to Jet and broke every single one of them. Amy said she would try and she was giving a better effort, but she blew it when she kissed Sonic. Jet was nothing but nice and sweet to her. He was a loyal boyfriend who constantly looked past her shit and would never leave her hanging the way Sonic had in the past. She recalled that sweet moment with Jet and sighed deeply.

She took a breath and said, "I haven't let you in because get me pretty well and I guess that scares me because only one person all my life has been able to do that. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I have...feelings for you, feelings that I wasn't sure how to deal with, but now I do...and I want to...I really want to let you in. If you still want to be let in."

Way to go, Amy. You just poured your heart out and he probably think you're fucking crazy. Flustered, Amy looked at the ground and mumbled, "This is stupid. I'm sorry for bothering you."

"Did you mean that?"

"My incessant babbling? Yeah...every word."

"Amy, I want to know you. Will you let me?" Shocked, she looked up to see that Jet was smiling softly at her, waiting patiently for her answer. Amy felt taken back. She had never known someone who was so interested in her, so patient with all of her shit other than...well, Sonic. Except, Jet had feelings for her and expressed them on a daily basis.

The pink hedgehog said honestly, "I can't promise you it will work out, but I'll try."

He laughed at this and said, "That's all I need," before kissing her lips softly. Amy returned his kiss eagerly, to let him know that she would try.

He was perfect, but wasn't perfect for her. Amy couldn't get Sonic out of her head, especially now that it seemed like he was returning her feelings. She was so confused because she was used to Sonic's constant rejections. Amy had come up with the brilliant plan to fake date Sonic a few months ago. She convinced him that it was so that Sally would get jealous and then eventually confess her feelings for the hedgehog, but in reality, it was for selfish reasons. Amy wanted him to see that she could be a good girlfriend and hoped that he would realize his feelings for her. It was safe to say that her plan backfired.

She yanked the door open and shut it behind her. Amy walked around the back until she found his bedroom window. In the lighted room, she could see two silhouetted figures standing close to each other. With her fists clenched, Amy listened to their laughter until their groans of pleasure took over. She forced herself to look up at the kissing couple pressed against each other to punish herself. This image would be stuck in her head for along time and that was a good thing. Never again would Amy convince herself that Sonic liked her. To him, they were only friends. And how could they be more with perfect little Sally Acorn in the picture?

She was beautiful, intelligent and an all around fun girl. Everyone strived to be like her and all of the boys were attracted to her like a magnet. How could she compete with that? Amy unclenched her fists and stared down at the ground blankly. Her eyes filled with tears and she bit her quivering lip to keep from sobbing. Amy looked back at the window.

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