Chapter Forty

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Anna POV:

Head banging like a child aggressively smacking a drum, my eyelids fluttered open as my memory recalled last night. October 31st. Halloween. Christian, Damon and I threw a party before settling down to watch a horror movie which turned out to be funny on the basis of how fake it is - The Last House On The Left.

Rolling over, I noticed how Christian wasn't in bed next to me so I decided to wake up probably and go find him. Sure enough, I did; cleaning out the mess which was created yesterday. Grabbing a black rubbish bag, I helped him.

"Afternoon sweetie." Woah, I must have slept well again. The thought brought a smile to my face. "You looked too peaceful to wake you up"

"You could have. We should have cleaned all this up together" I motioned towards the full garage sacks. He shrugged.

"Don't tire yourself out though. I'm taking you out for dinner tonight." Shit, have I forgotten something significant? 1st November. It doesn't ring any bells.

"Why may I ask?"

"Can't a boy take his girl out for a romantic meal?"

"Oooh, you never told me it would be romantic"

"Slip of the tongue"


The restaurant, which was situated on the outskirts of Portland, was a beautiful, extravagant building. Candlelit and peaceful, it appeared like it has been stolen directly from Rome.

"Another bottle of bubbles please" Christian ordered the French-looking, older gentleman waiter who seemed more than happy to serve.

"It's more than a beautiful sight to witness, young love. Love is just a word until someone special gives it a meaning" he enthused as he poured our drinks into fresh glasses. Apparently, that is so the champagne maintains its flavour for a longer period of time. Personally, I just guessed that someone doesn't mind washing up.

"I agree" Christian nodded, "once, in science class, we learned that you can never gain cold, you can only have an absence of heat; and it made me think that maybe hatred doesn't exist, and there's only an absence of love"

"Precisely sir. You are very wise, only I wish to share more knowledge with you on this very matter as I have been married 56 years, however, I have a job to attend to. Enjoy your evenings and May God bless your relationship"

"He was sweet" I announced once he left.

"He was indeed... ah, here comes our starter."

A bowl of potato skins to share and a steak each later, we sat in the romantic light chatting, waiting for dessert.

"I love you darling" he spoke softy. We were one of the only couples left in the astonishing restaurant. There two people sharing some ice cream, another two seductively eating to one another while a third couple are full on making out in the not-so-secluded corner.

"I love you too Christian."

"You know, I bet I could make a list of forty things I love about you" smiled my boyfriend proudly.

"I doubt it"

"We'll see about that" he winked, knowing he has been given his way once again.

"So Christian Novelli, why are we really here?"

"I love it when you use my full name" he beamed. "I thought we should celebrate." I raised my eyebrow at his comment so he would elaborate. "Today is a new day, therefore, special. A happy couple might've got married today or someone might've kissed their best friend and realized they are gay today. Someone might've found out they were officially cancer free today. Someone might've finally finished their debut novel today. Lots of interesting things might've happening today" he listed before taking a mouthful of his favourite vanilla ice cream.

"That's beautiful" I smiled, wiping a stray tear, that rolled down my cheek, away. "I never really thought about it like that"

"I mean, the world is incredible. There are girls in this world" he winked" and there are also dogs. You can put melted cheese on any type of potato and it will still taste good. Sometimes flowers grow even when nobody is there to water them. Emotions and colours are both things that exist. Everything is so great"

"I love you Christian goddammit. You are so precious" I cupped his delicate face in my hands and she squeezed his eyes shut, beaming a huge, cheesy grin.

A/ N:

I really enjoyed writing this chapter; I hope you enjoyed reading it.

The movie mentioned The Last House On The Left is a real film and is actually really funny but twisted. My best friend ( @AskingMeAtSix ) and I watched it for the first time the other day and one of the characters - Michael - strangely reminded us of Mike Fuentes ahah.

You Will Be Okay Here: Christian NovelliWhere stories live. Discover now