Chapter Forty Nine

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Christian POV:

I for one love theme parks.

You become part of a temporary society where everyone's goal is to take part in the joyous anticipation of amusement and entertainment. Your path is wandering and uncharted, and takes you to a happy and sometimes overwhelming experience, like a water-ride or stomach-churning roller coaster, and all are willing to share their emotions during and after each event. Gloomy weather or a sore ankle does not stand in anyone's way as you are all determined to make the best out of this one fine, rare day that you are destined to be transported into a wild and wonderful world.

The first thing I notice as I climb out of the car is the heat crashing down on me like a burning blanket although it is Winter. It makes the air seem heavier with every breath I take. Still, this is the only day that we have to visit the park before it closes until next summer. As we approach the gate, we can hear the thick clanking of rides moving, the shuddering of rails and tracks, and the screams of their passengers as they are whipped around.

"We need to go on that one" Anna exclaimed, pointing to a huge, red looping coaster.

"Defiantly" Jason agreed with Karim and myself nodding whole Patty gritted his teeth.

We pay our entrance ticket and take in the courtyard with its souvenir shops and concession stands. Everything is a bright happy color, from the light poles to the benches to the garbage cans to the t-shirts of the employees. The smell of hotdogs and popcorn roams the air, as well as the odor of several dozen people standing in the sweltering heat, practically pooling in their own sweat.

We make our plans and consult the handy (and only partially vandalized) park map we found at the entrance. Marina, Emma, Luke and Patty decided to play it safe and hit the merry-go-round and log ride. Damon, Anna, Jason, Karim and I though, we have our sights set on the roller coaster with its loop-de-loops and corkscrew spins. We agreed to meet up later and part ways.

Running, we joined the line ride - Every park has at least one. It marches forward inch by inch as we hear the joyfuyl, and sometimes panicky, screams as those ahead of us go spiraling down the track. The whole track systems shudders and shakes as the carts go barreling past us, rumbling like thunder.

Time seems to crawl as continue to wait. Ahead and behind us people drop out of the line, either out of time or short on patience. No matter, it only benefits us in the end. Usually, when Damon and I come, we play on our phones, listen to music or have really strange conversations to freak out the people around us. Finally, we find ourselves at the head of the pack. Up top the long stairway we climbed to get here, we can feel a light breeze that takes the edge off the heat and slaps away the rank of sweat and bug spray. The ride attendant ahead directs people as the next set of carts pull up to the track to deliver its shaken occupants, more than a few a little green in the face.

With a loud clanking sound of chains pulling the carts, we watch them depart the small station and pulled up the first climb. So close to the end. That last stretch seems to last forever, but finally those bright blue and yellow carts arrived and it was our turn. We get stuck behind a large fellow who clearly just finished an extra large plate of nachos with extra jalapenos. I find myself hoping that if he gets sick, he leans away from me. Preferrably from both of all of us, but more myself than my friends.

The brakes let go with its telltale clank and the carts shudder. The chains strain to pull us up the rise, lifting us higher and higher until we can see over the entire park. Down below, people too afraid to brave the ride watch from below, living vicariously through the adventurous. They look like ants from this height.

I barely have time to finish that thought before the ground comes rushing towards us. Just as it seems like we're about to drive into the concrete, the carts turn sharply to the right, then the left. It happens so fast, all I can make out is a blur of colour. Greens, blues, and reds stream past me at a blinding speed. All I can hear are the screams all around me. Even my own are buried in the cacophony of sound erupting from the carts.

Another turn and I see it ahead. The loop-de-loops. The world turns upside down for a moment then becomes a kalediscope, colors swirl around, destroying all sense of up or down. Even as the track rights itself, my vision is still spinning. Which is just as well as the corkscrew is up next. Around and around, tighter and tighter. All color and sound bleeds together until it almost seems like it has mass to it, as if it becomes a physical object.

Just as sudden as it happens, its over and the carts slow to a crawl. As the ride comes to an end, I look around at the other passengers. Some look excited while others look like they're regretting those two hotdogs they had before they got on. Our beefy companion ahead of us lets out a pungent burp as he pulls himself from his seat and waddles away.

I look at Jason who was next to me and he looks back at me. His face is the shade of green I feel. Slowly, a smile creeps across his face. "Go again?" I just nod with a grin.

"That's a real stomach churner" Karim sighed, wrapping his arms tightly around his own waist, bending over slightly.

"Maybe you should stay off some rides for a bit" Jason suggested, jumping onto Damon for some reason.

"I'm getting a headache so I'll sit out with you" Anna smiled, kissing my cheek quickly before walking off with Karim.

"I gotta put ma hair up. It's going crazy" Jase exclaimed, throwing on a headband.

"You're hair is already crazy!" Damon and I shouted in unison.

Anna POV:

Purchasing a few bottles of water, Karim and I took shade under a large tree, sipping our drinks. Calling Emma and Christian, we all decided to all meet soon for some food. Karim and I found a fast food joint near the centre of the park and was given a table. Thankfully, we were both feeling better and ready to go on rides again.

"How you feeling baby?" Christian pulled me into him as he sat down next to me, making me jump slightly.

"Better" I beamed as he kissed my cheek, playing with my hair softly. The others all joined us and slumped onto the comfy seats.

Ordering veggie burgers and normal meat burgers, we all sat chatting and joking like we used to. Although I really like Christian's American friends, I absolutely love the ones who live in the UK. Nobody can take them away from me; they mean far too much.

"Excuse me?" Two small girls with American accents and bright pink hair asked us at the end of our table, giggling. "Could we have your autographs?" The smallest girl asked, biting her lip.

"Sure" Patty enthused as everyone signed a piece of paper.

"Want some pictures too?" Damon asked the two girls that were bright red in the face. They both nodded enthusiastically. The Youtubers stood up and took selfies with each of them while I sat there awkwardly watching.

"Could we have one with you too?" The taller girl questioned me.

"Me? Erm sure" Christian nodded grinning and I took photographs with the girls.

"You're lucky. Don't hurt him although we don't think you ever would" the taller girl whispered into my ear.

"I won't" I promised as they walked off smiling. I love seeing my friends, Christian especially, with fans. They are so adorable and portray enormous grins. They are so proud of themselves and put themselves out for the fans. I'm proud of them too.

You Will Be Okay Here: Christian NovelliWhere stories live. Discover now