"You drive me mad with temptation, 'cause it tastes so good"

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I edited this because I realized some stuff did not make since at all. Thanks

Jack -

From: Zach <3
I told you, I have a bad reputation.

To: Zach <3
Where were you in the morning? Why did you have to go? Don't lie.

From: Zach <3
I had to do some things for business purposes, okay?

To: Zach <3
Do you do drugs, Zach?

From: Zach <3
I'll explain later. How does dinner sound? At 8? Put on some sweats and a t-shirt.

To: Zach <3
I'll be in my hotel room waiting for you.


I was waiting in my sweats and a t-shirt. Questioning why he told me to wear this, out of all things.

I suddenly heard a knock on the door, and I went to open it seeing Zach in a black sweatshirt and the sweatpants I gave him last nights. I never even thought about where they went, because they weren't here all this time, they were with him.

I saw that he was holding two bags of chipotle.
"I see you did your research." I said as he just smiled at me.

"Of course, the Avery Army is really good at posting photos of you eating. Especially when it comes to Chipotle." He said with a sarcastic tint to it and my cheeks turned a crimson red.

"Well you especially did okay." I said grabbing a bag out of his hands.

"Now let's eat food!" Zach said very excited making me laugh. We went to go sit at the table by the mini kitchen, I didn't want to push him into talking about what he is probably dreading. We ate some burritos, until Zach spoke up again, "Uh, I don't know how to start this but to answer your question from earlier. I am 2 years clean. I'll tell you the rest if you really want to know." I took a sip of my drink and thought about it for a second before nodding my head yes.

"Want to go to the bed?" I asked him so we could get more comfortable.

"Yeah, But can you carry me?" He asked and I shook my head yes as he held out his hands wrapping them around my neck as I grabbed onto his waist pulling him out of the chair. He wrapped his legs around my waist as I carried him over to the bed. I set him down and we faced each other sitting cross-cross applesauce.

"I'll tell you the truth, just promise that our friendship or whatever this is won't end because of this."

"I promise, Zach. Nothing will come between us even if you drive me mad with temptation to kill you. I won't judge."

"So, uh, this whole drug dealing thing has gone on with my family for years, my dad and mom both were drug dealers, and wanted me to take on the family business. So I did as I was told.
I was 8 when I learned how to roll my first blunt. 10 I took my first hit. 14 I did my first heroin injection. 16th birthday my first sniff of cocaine." Zach rolled up his right sleeve and I could faintly see where he injected himself.

"Wh..why? Zach, why?" I said lifting my hand to his cheek, swiping away one of the tears that had fallen.

"I just thought I was su-pposed to." He said his voice cracking. I looked at him with concern. "My parents weren't really there with me through out my whole life, they were off doing what I do now, I lived with my uncle most of the time and had to cherish my moments with them. My uncle was also a druggy and well sometimes, things happened that shouldn't have happened. Then on my 17th birthday I heard both of my parents died from an overdose of cocaine. I blamed myself and did so many horrible things to my body, I was in the hospital for at least one week every month, unfortunately making a recovery. I tri..tried to kill my..myself Jack. I didn't think I deserved to live. It was my 18th birthday and I went out to a rave, I got drunk at first. Took a hit, then another, until I was high off of marijuana. It was the time. I then went to an empty bedroom and pulled out my needle and injected it into my pulsing vein. I did it 5 times more hitting the exact same area. Then I took one too many sniffs of cocaine and I finally maxed out. I was in a coma for 6 months, they all thought I was eventually gonna die, I thought I was gonna die, but someone had to carry on the family business. So I stayed alive. Now I stay carrying on that family business, so many attempts of wanting to take another hit at myself, but knew I'd finally pass and I wasn't ready. I traveled the world with my family that's why I am known as international even though we are from Paris. I lived in Brazil, California, Florida, New York, London, Manchester, Russia, Japan, China, Australia, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, so many more through time. Then it was my 19th, we were back home in Paris, this is where I have stayed ever since." He said tears running down his eyes and my eyes glossy.

"I'm so sorry, baby." I give Zach a kiss on the forehead. Zach tackled me with a hug throwing me back onto the bed.

"I've never told anyone that story." Zach says and surprises me.

"Why'd you tell me?"

"I didn't want to lose you because I fell for those eyes." Zach leans in closer to my face and puts his lips against mine, then pulling back, but I just lifted my chest and head up to pull him back in. I was craving so much more. He started opening his mouth wider, licking the top of my lip.

"I don't even care what people say because you taste so good."

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