"You drive me mad with temptation 'cause it tastes so good." (2)

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Zach -

"I love you so, so much." I say as I squeeze his hand and shut my eyes tightly, trying to keep the tears in. I let sobs come out of my mouth, as I pulled away and stared at his facial features.

I ran my fingers against his sharp jawline and started at his light freckles all around his face. I slightly bit my lip, not because of how cute he looked while sleeping, but just because. Actually, I don't know at all maybe it was out of fear or impatience or nervousness all around he was an incredible human being and I never wished I had to see him like this.

I heard a knock on the wall, "hey, Zach." I looked up to see Jacks mother. "Can we go out to lunch, I want to talk to you." I nod my head yes and go up to her as she walks up to Jack and kisses him on the forehead saying, "see you later." "Ready?" She asks me and I nod my head.

"See you soon, Jack." I say and walk out the door with Jacks mom, Kristen.

"So where do you wanna go?" Kristen asks and I think for a minute.

"Olive Garden?" I say, looking at her with a smile as she molded her head and we headed out of the hospital full of sadness. We headed into the parking garage and got in her car.

As we headed to the restaurant my knee kept in bouncing up and down because I was, I mean it's my boyfriends mom! I don't need to give off a bad first impression. She must have noticed as she said, "Zach it's okay, you don't have to be nervous." I took a deep breath and nodded my head as I stopped my knee from bouncing up and down.

We got to the restaurant and hopped out of the car, walking a little to get to the place. I opened the door for Kristen and she says, "thank you." We walk in and the place is huge. I can't believe an Olive Garden has an elevator in it. We walk to our spot upstairs and order our food and drinks, after that is when I ask the first question.

"W-what actually happened to Jack." I say using all of my breath just to get the sentence out, but it still comes out as a whisper. Thankfully she hears me.

She swallows her spit and closes her eyes preparing herself to tell me. "He, uh well he has third degree burns on his legs and arms because of the plane explosion, and well it was a fast land so uh-..." she stops as a tear falls down her cheek and her vocal cords tightening because she doesn't want to say what actually happened.

I reach over the table to grab her hand and she takes in a shaky breath getting ready to speak again. "He hit his head pretty hard, like a lot hard and well they don't know I-if." She starts balling her eyes out so I get out of my seat in my booth and go over to her side pulling her in for a hug which she gladly excepts and cries into my shoulder.

Later our waitress comes back to us with our food putting it on the table, "thank you" I quietly say to her and she smiles back at me as I rub up and down Kristen's back while comforting her.

Kristen calms down and tells me, "you can go back to your seat now." So I nod and head over to the other side of the booth. We start eating our food until she picks up a conversation, "may I ask, why you like Jack? Especially since you haven't known him that long."

"Sorry, but have you met your son?" I say my eyes widening as I smile and she laughs a bit. "He's funny in every way possible, and I see when he looks in the mirror he's picking out every flaw that people say about him, but when I look at him I don't see any of that I just see a caring person who's laugh is contagious and who has a smile that can light up the world, and those eyes shine like a million stars were placed into them. He's a tiny little ball of sunshine and let's not talk about his hair I know it's fake, but it's so nice to just run your hands through. And we haven't gotten into any fights yet, but I know there are gonna be maybe a lot ahead of us. When it's time I'll be ready to fight those battles and keep him mine. He'll be on tour a lot and I get that, it's what he loves to do, and when he comes back I'll be ready to have him back in my arms again." I say smiling slightly as I go through the little memories of us together in my head.

Kristen smiles at my response, "you better take good care of him."

"Don't worry I will." I say smiling brighter. "Other than my best friend he's really the only person I can care about in my life as of right now."

She raises one eyebrow,  "Why is that, if you don't mind me asking."

So I explain to her, "mostly everyone in my family is dead, my parents practically killed themselves, my uncle he took care of me mostly throughout my life he was a good person until I left him to do stupid things that I shouldn't have done. And now he is 6 feet underground because when I left he joined a gang and later then he was thrown to the curb and they put a gun to his head." I say sniffling and wiping a tear off my cheek before it was noticeable. "And I-i don't want Jack to leave me." I say my voice cracking as I couldn't speak no more because it just hurt so much to even think about that.

"Don't worry it's not goodbye." She says as she grabs both of my hands. "We will get through this, together. You're a part of my family now and we are not letting you go, Jack was right you are an amazing person, and you really need all the love that you can get right now."

I smile at her, "Thank you."


Sorry about the wait, now that I'm officially done vacationing I hope to get a lot more chapters out. Oh by the way I'm writing another book...coming soon.

Love you,


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